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BB's curiosity never dulled, even after five months. It just scratched and ate at him more and more everyday, and when he asked Jack what happened after he fell, Jack would simply say 'I patched you up.'. One night BB snuck out of the box, looking around for things that he could use or would need. He picked up a small stuffed toy from the shelf behind the counter, in case he got scared, a small blanket, in case he got cold, and spent half an hour looking for blueprints and maps of the building, seeing an extra room in the blueprints but not the maps. He began his little excursion to this room, seeing as this was the only unfamiliar place, and he remembers how unfamiliar that room was. He often found himself squeezing the stuffed animal and hugging himself. He gets to the Parts and Service room, swallowing hard, knowing he was going to have to go through there to get to the room. He runs through, the old Chica grabbing at him, the sharp, broken off metal were her hand was ripping through his shirt and cutting his shoulder open, making him scream out in pain. He ran into the boarded up door, wriggling under one of the boards and staying on the floor, breathing deeply. A shadow went over him, the smell hitting him. He heard the raspy, metallic and double toned breathing, followed by a few coughs.

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