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"Sure BB.", Jack says running a hand through BB's hair, making him blush harder. BB's heart pounded, and the tips of his ears went bright red and got hot. He swallows hard, taking a deep breath. "I-I really, really like you...a-and I would like to be with you..". Jack's eyes widened, and he too blushed, his heart starting to race. Through all of this though, he had no hesitance to take BB into his arms and give him a long, tender kiss. BB, though quite surprised, leaned into the kiss and kissed back, running his hands along Jack's sides. After a minute more they pull away, both of their faces a bright, bright red. BB smiles, hugging Jack with an all familiar bubbly giggle. Jack ran a hand along BB's back, kissing the top of his head. "Too be honest BB, I've liked you for a long time..", Jack says, blushing quite hard, "sorry 'bout that immediate kiss....". "N-No no, it's ok.", BB says, his blush going down some, but remained bright. Jack held him closer, slumping some and snuggling BB, who cuddled back in return.

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