A Mysterious Helper

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BB awoke quite wearily, his throat dry and vision still blurry, but not like he had a bright light shined in his face blurry, like that feeling when you wake up after a bad nap blurry. His back throbbed in pain, to the extent where he couldn't sit up. He could hear Jack's familiar double toned voice, along with a voice that he didn't know. It sounded somewhat double toned, but raspy and metallic too, like Endo's voice. There where often pauses and fits of coughing from the voice too, and as he regained himself he noticed the room was unfamiliar and new to him. The air also stentched of a smell, almost like rotting corpse.
"A-Are you sure he'll be ok?", Jack said in a worried way. "With rest and plenty of care the wound should heal quickly, as did mine. The only reason that it would take longer than a week or two to heal is if he writhes around and tries to romp around and play to roughly. I only know this through experience, all of my stitching and twitching made more wounds, and some wounds deeper.". "I understand.", Jack says, walking over to BB, who was now fake sleeping. The other also shuffled closer, sloshing and squishing noises being made that made BB want to hurl, along with the rotting corpse smell lingering in the air, and grew stronger once the other was right next to him. "I can assist you in moving him if you wish, Jack." "N-No thanks, I've got it, plus I only have small trust in you, and you should know why.", Jack said sternly. "Fine, now, be on your way.". Jack nods, picking up BB, a small jolt of pain running along his back, making him curl up some, which sent yet another spike of pain. Jack sighs. "He can't sleep in the box now it seems....but he isn't safe out where the Old can get him.....", Jack says with a yawn. They both needed sleep, and BB needed to know who Jack was talking with.

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