Chapter two

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JJ finished helping her parents get the rest of their items and currently, she'd been in the middle of getting her clothes all sorted out. The closet was small and jam-packed with all her personal belongings. Going through her boxes, the young Ackles child paused when she heard a little girl giggling. Snapping from her thoughts she looked around searching for anything that pointed to a sound surrounding her room. Out in the corner of her eye, she saw a white figure of some kind peeking around the corner. JJ turned swiftly only for the figure to disappear, shaking her head she went back to what she was doing when her mother entered the room.

"Hey sweetheart," her mother said. JJ turned and hugged her mother as tight as she could. "Whoa, what's wrong?"

"There's something in here mommy!" JJ exclaimed fear radiating throughout her voice. She held onto her mother so tight that Danneel simply wanted her daughter to calm down. "Don't let it get to me!"

"JJ what did you see?" Danneel asked.

"A girl, she was in my closet staring at me and wore this white dress and she had pigtails," JJ explained, she looked at her closet and the girl appeared again. "Mom! She's there!" Danneel turned toward the closet but the girl had just disappeared before JJ even knew it. She gripped her mother's hand tightly worried that something might attack her. "Didn't you see it?"

"Honey I don't see anything," Danneel responded. "I know this house scares you but there are no such things as ghosts," JJ didn't seem convinced and hugged her mother, Danneel kissed her on the forehead and told her to go play until it was time for dinner. "It will be okay baby I promise."


Danneel watched as JJ walked out of her room and went to play outside with Zeppelin and Arrow. Shaking her head due to the feeling that there was something wrong in the house, Danneel walked to the kitchen to help her husband make dinner. They'd since finished putting up all the dishes and Jensen was currently in the middle of getting the ingredients.

"How's JJ adjusting to the new house?" Jensen asked as he grabbed a pot from the cupboards. Danneel sighed a bit wondering if her husband had noticed anything off about the house.

"She told me she saw a ghost, do you think she's letting her imagination get the best of her?" Danneel asked. She waited for a response from Jensen when she noticed that he'd tensed up, but rather he only shook his head like it was nothing.

"JJ's still getting over moving," Jensen responded. "I'm sure it's just her imagination, you know, new house, new town it takes some time for a kid to get used to this."

"Maybe." Danneel said. She breathed heavily causing a piece of her hair to move. Jensen walked over to her and pushed the piece of her hair behind her ear, reassuring her that everything would be fine.

"Honey, we left California so that the kids could have a normal life," Jensen said. "This house is old, but it's our home. I know it's hard but we put a lot of money into this house and we're going to live in it, okay?"

"Okay," she smiled. "Just don't use your Dean voice on me, you know I don't like it."


That evening, while everyone was settling down after dinner, Jensen's thoughts kept going back to the older woman that snuck up on him earlier that day. He tried not to think about that since he had never had an experience before but the way the woman had talked about the town and the house, he shook his head pushing back the thoughts. The woman was probably a lonely old lady that wanted to be friends with someone. Arrow ran up to him and sat on his lap, distracting him from all thoughts of the old lady.

"Daddy please play with me, JJ won't come to my tea party." She said.

"Hey don't tell on me!" JJ exclaimed. "I just wanted to color with you instead."

"Kids," Danneel said. "No fighting."

"And JJ, your sister wants to play with you, at least spend some time with her," Jensen said. "Don't you think that she's also having a hard time adjusting to this new home?" JJ looked at her sister then back at her dad, within two seconds she gave her little sister a hug and apologized.

"Okay let's play." She said, Instantly, JJ and Arrow went upstairs to play a tea party with her younger sister. At first, Jensen saw that there was nothing wrong but he started getting suspicious due to JJ's sudden change. She always played with her sister and never pushed her aside. Being as tired as he was he told his wife that he was going to go to bed early and kissed his wife good night before making his way upstairs to the master bedroom, unlike Arrow and Zeppelin's room or even JJ's room his and Danneel's bedroom was in a larger room which connected to their twins' room. Changing into some pajama's Jensen climbed into bed and closed his eyes exhausted from the move he fell asleep instantly.

The second he did, he found himself walking through a forest, at first it was beautiful. The trees were growing and the sun was shining through them, confused but not thinking much Jensen continued to walk through the forest, but then like a snap of someone's fingers. The forest was covered with darkness until he could barely see, everything in the forest began to wither. Jensen turned around to leave but his feet wouldn't move and he was forced to watch as the forest continued to wither away until everything had died. All that remained was fog that clouded his vision and began choking him.

Jensen woke with a jerk, the tightness on his throat was still present as he tried to catch his breath. Sweat dripped down his face and his brow as he looked around the room to find that it was later in the night and his wife was sound asleep next to him, rubbing the back of his neck he carefully got out of his bed and went to check on his kids, his twins were sound asleep and so he walked downstairs to check on his eldest daughter. He checked her room and so that she was sleeping only slightly with her blanket hanging off her. Jensen smiled and covered her up, kissing her forehead. Walking out of the room he closed the door behind him. Jensen made his way to the kitchen but he couldn't stop thinking about the dream and didn't understand if someone was trying to tell him something. Pushing the thought aside, Jensen got to the kitchen and got himself a glass of water from the sink. 

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