Chapter one

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Villisca, Iowa

The Ackles family arrived on Villisca St where a beautiful white house with two stories and a white picket fence stood. It was old and dilapidated but for the last few months, Jensen had worked extra hard to help restore the house to its former glory. No one had lived in the house for years so obviously, it was left to rot. Jensen had heard stories about the house but he ignored them, the stories are nothing more than a figment of a person's imagination and only ever showed up in television shows and movies. If he came across a ghost, he'd probably see it as more of a prank than anything else. No, it wasn't time for his character, Dean to make an appearance, the Ackles family wanted to leave most of that behind and at least spend some time together. So, Jensen and Danneel decided that it would be best to do the renovations themselves. They pulled into the driveway of the Villisca house as neighbors stepped out from their own houses, they stared at the Ackles family like they were pieces of meat. Jensen got out of the car once he parked and climbed out, he saw the neighbors staring yet again and casually held up his hand to wave at them the neighbors quickly turned and walked into their houses without looking back.

"Okay?" Jensen said unsure of what to make of it. He turned back to the house and smiled. "Well, here we are!" Danneel and the kids climbed out of the car and while Danneel and the kids stared at the house with curiosity, JJ wasn't too apprehensive about it.

"Do we have to move here daddy?" JJ asked, grabbing her father's hand and squeezed it. "I don't like this place."

"Don't worry sweetie everything will be okay," Jensen responded. "Remember there is no such thing as monsters." She didn't meet his gaze and tried to hide from the big scary house.

"I wanna go home." She said, "It's scary here." Danneel overheard it and sighed, she walked over to JJ and kneeled in front of her.

"JJ, this is your home," Danneel reassured her. "We moved here because your father and I wanted to live a quiet life, and we got this house for a good deal. Now come on, help us take our belongings inside." Jensen smiled and let go of JJ's hand, the twins walked to the trunk while Jensen unlocked it and opened it. Inside were their items from their house in California, the moving truck had already brought all of their furniture and set them inside so all that was left was to get their belongings stored in their boxes and bring them inside. The twins grabbed their pillows and a few of their stuffed animals before heading for the front steps. JJ followed by carrying her own box of personal belongings while Jensen and Danneel grabbed the kitchen items.

They walked up the three steps giving Jensen the chance to unlock the front door and push it open. The wall paper was a fading light blue and the white furniture screamed the early 20th century, the few curtains covering the windows were the only things that were brand new.

"This place smells funny." Arrow said.

"Why does it smell like socks?" Zeppelin asked without a single thought.

"It's an old house, kids," Jensen reassured them. "I'm sure that it'll smell nicer when we add some air fresheners, now go ahead and find your rooms." Zeppelin and Arrow set their items down and walked up a set of stairs, Danneel had to catch up to them just to make sure that the kids wouldn't fall. Jensen shook his head and set the kitchen items on the table while JJ walked over to a bigger room on the first floor. It was large with a bed in the room and a large closet that was big enough for her to store her items.


Jensen was busy in the kitchen and began placing their dishes into the wooden cabinets. He closed the door and turned back around to unpack the rest when his stomach dropped and a weird sense of being watched overtook him. He paused, it was like something was staring dead at him without even saying a single thing. The feeling began to get closer, but the minute Jensen turned around the feeling subsided. Jensen shook his head and focused on unpacking. He stepped away from the kitchen and walked back outside to his car and grabbed a box of books. He turned to head into the house when an older woman stepped in front of him, he jumped back slightly caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the old woman. Her hair was grayed and she'd been walking with a cane. How he couldn't hear the woman was something he didn't want to think about.

"So, you just moved into this neighborhood didn't you?" The old woman said, her voice cracking briefly.

"Yes, have you lived here long?" Jensen asked.

"I've lived here for fifty years sonny," The old woman said. "I can tell you a few things about this small town, a place like this.." she paused and looked at him like she'd been examining him for something. "You seem familiar, aren't you that pretty boy actor in that show about brothers?"

"Yes, you want a picture?" Jensen asked.

"Oh no, I don't want a picture, but my daughter watches your show a lot," she said. "I just hope that you are prepared for what this house has in store for you and I hope that maybe your show might pay off when you face this house," she explained. "Well, I'll be seeing you, and don't say I didn't warn you." The old woman turned and walked away from him, the words sent a shiver down Jensen's spine, of course out of all the neighborhoods they looked at, they had to live in a neighborhood with a creepy old woman. Maybe she was living with a dozen cats or was crazy either way he didn't care and Jensen hoped he would never see her again. As he closed the door behind he kept looking back to see if the woman was still there, she wasn't and Jensen cursed for being paranoid. 

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