| 9 | Freedom?

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All of you walked towards the exit. "We need a code." Minho carefully pushed you aside. "Let me try." Minho put in some random code and the door opened. You looked at Minho confused and walked in. "Be prepared for anything." Thomas looked around. "What is this place?" Minho squinted his eyes at Thomas. "How are we supposed to know?!" 

"I don't know... but I don't like it here." You looked around to see many dead bodies on the floor like flies. "Everyone's dead." You approached a desk and press play on a video that was on the screen. It showed a woman, speaking. "They were watching us all this time." Newt said. "Yeah..." Minho looked at you. "She killed herself at the end of the video. Does that mean Wicked is gone?" You thought for a second. "I don't believe that she killed herself." 

Thomas looked at you. "What do you mean? Her body is right there." You got an idea. "Your right. Her body is right there." Thomas looked at you as if you were a psychopath. "Yeah... Her body is there." Thomas pointed at a glass box. "What I'm saying is. If she did kill herself her body would be there, but if she didn't it would be a mannequin or a doll." "Oh, okay I get it now." 

you approached the box. "Luckily, Its just a glass box. " You broke through the glass and walked to the body. "See, it is a doll. That means Wicked is still out there." Just as you said that Gally appeared at the doorway with a gun. "You can't leave." 

"Gally, we're already out." Gally shook his head. "The Glade is forever our home." The trigger was pulled and was shot at you. Chuck jumped in the way to protect you. Minho threw a spear at Gallys chest, causing him to collapse. Chuck fell due to the gunshot. "Y/n..." Chuck fell on you. "I'm right here Chuck." 

Chuck's breathe slowed down. He took one last breath and closed his eyes. Tears came out of your eyes. " Goodbye, Chuck. " Newt kneeled down to you and gave you a hug. "It's okay. Its okay. " Newt kissed you on your forehead. Suddenly you heard a helicopter. People barged in dragged you to the helicopter,  leaving Chuck and Gally. 

Everything else was a blur. Were you finally out of the Maze? 

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