| 3 | Trauma

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Minho, Thomas, and you have been running for a while and were taking your break. "Y/n slow down... You're too fast for us to catch up with. " Minho said while taking a sip of water. "You guys just need to build up your endurance... " You looked to the side not wanting to make eye contact with the boys.

But, with what you were seeing right now... You'd rather be staring at the boys. "Guys... We gotta go!!" You yelled out. A griever was making its way towards you. "Oh shit! I wasn't even rested yet. " Thomas said getting up from his spot on the floor.

The three of you took off as fast as you could. Thomas wasn't watching were he was going and tripped on a vine, causing him to sprain his ankle. You and Minho tried your best to carry him out of the maze but he was too heavy and slowed you down. But, at last you saw the doors... But wait... There wasn't enough room.there was only a tight space for two people.

You threw Minho and Thomas through the space. If anyone could survive a night here... It would be you. You had the abilities that could help you.

Thomas landed on the floor along with Minho. Both of them looked back trying to get you out of there. But there wasn't room, before the door closed you saw newt looking through the space, his eyes were wide.

You looked at them, then the doors closed... That was it. You were trapped in the maze for a night... You made a promise to yourself that you would make it and you would see Newt, Minho, and Thomas again.

'Wait... ' you thought 'I could just teleport to Newt and get out of the maze. '

You used all of your energy and teleported to newt. When you say teleport to newt you dont mean ON him but that's what happened... You landed on newt causing him to fall with you.

You looked up to see a happy, but slightly worried newt. "You okay?" You asked newt. The boys surrounded you, seeing that you were in Newts arms on the ground.

"H-How?... " you laughed a bit. "Every heard of teleportation?... " Newt didn't answer but instead he got up and helped you get on your feet.

"You will never lose me... " you said to newt. You looked around and saw the boys with smiles across their faces.

Minho began walking over to you. "Sorry, I know you just got back but if you teleported out of the maze... Can't you teleport put of here?" Minho raised his eyebrow. Gally overheard what he said and immediately he yelled out, "That's true!! Newt!! Call a meeting... I have a few questions for Ms. y/n over here. " gally smiled sarcastically.

Thomas sighed. "I'll go get Alby... " Newt turned to look at Gally. "Fine... But just because Minho has a point... " Newt turned to look at you next. "And also because I need some answers as well. " Newt walked away, you looked at him as he did... Knowing he probably lost a bit of trust in you.



ou were walking to the meeting halls and as you entered you saw Thomas, Frypan, and Alby. "Now that everyone is here... Why was this meeting called? " Alby questioned.A Chuckle was heard from Gally as he raised his hand. "I can answer that. " you rolled your eyes at him.

"And that's because Minho asked a question that I would like Y/n to answer."
Alby was taken aback. "Y/n's here?!" Thomas made a face. "She's right beside you dude... " albys eyes widened as he turned to look at his side. "Wait how are you here? You were in the maze. "

"I teleported the fuck outta there. " you answered blankly. "Which brings me back to Minho's question. " Gally said, annoyed that you were taking long to answer. "Which is? " alby raised a brow. Minho spoke up. "If she can teleport... Why can't she just teleport out of here... " part of Minho wished he hadn't said anything if he knew it was going to cause this much attention.

"That's true... " alby said.He became angry after a while. "Are you working for wicked?!you fucking traitor!! " He yelled at you. You were quick to defend yourself. "No! For the last time NO!! I can't teleport out of here... Believe me I tried on the first night when you all went to bed... I don't know what it is... But wicked put something around this place and I can't get out... Look... " you tried teleporting out of here but nothing happened. You stayed in the same place you were.

After a couple of more tries , still nobody believed you... Except Newt. As you kept trying, Alby, Gally, frypan and even Minho and Thomas were yelling at you.

"Keep trying! " Gally screamed at you.
"Your working for them aren't you? Your just a fucking liar... " alby said to you
"Aw... Is y/n gonna cry... " Minho said.
It damaged you slightly... You didn't think Minho would say that to you... You thought you guys were getting along well... I guess not. Although Minho was right about you crying.

All this screaming made you remember about how your father would scream at you when you were working on your powers. You wanted to use some sort of power against them, but you were scared that if you failed to do it correctly... They would hurt or punish you.

Thomas looked at your face. "I think she is... "

That was it... You tried to hold your tears as much as you can. But you couldn't hold it anymore. Tears streamed down your face. Your energy was slowing draining out of you because of the crying and trying to teleport. Because of your tiredness you feel to the floor, crying. Memories of your family were appearing left and right through your brain.

Newt saw what was happening and immediately ran to you, remembering about what you told him about your family. He picked you up bridal style and began leaving the meeting hall, but before that, he turned to look at the boys. All of them had angry/confused faces.

"You don't know why she's acting like this... But I do. And all of you are making her memories come back... Which for the record, are shit...Set up a fucking campfire I need a word with everyone. I won't tell you twice. I'll be there in a bit I'm just going to talk to her. "

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