CH XI The Tide will Bring you Back

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"Come on Aegon, stop dragging your feet" Said Y/N as she turned around to address Aegon as they were walking towards their dragons "Everything is too bright and too loud" He rubbed his forehead trying to soothe the migraine he woke up with. "I tried to tell you that strong wine will do that, look at me, honey wine from Lannisport, I drank as much as you and no headaches" Stopping in front of Beira, Y/N reached out her hand allowing her dragon to smell it." Or you could not drink as much" Added Jace, who was already on Vermax, waiting for the pair.

"Everyone is out to get me this morning, well at least you are on your father's side, aren't you?" Aegon looked down at his sleeping son, patting his back a few times before getting up on Sunfyre, making sure that the harness was secured. Y/N followed suit, once on the saddle, tying herself to it, they all gave themselves a nod and took off, Kings Landing getting smaller and smaller as they went out above the open sea, passing over the same ship that brought the rest of them.

Daemon had flown ahead before the break of dawn, Rhaenyra them that he did it to make sure everything was fine at Dragonstone before they arrived, Y/N saw him right before he left, his face looked as if he was deep in thought, Daemon's urgency only made Y/N worry slightly, what could make her father want to leave as soon as possible she asked herself. Pushing these questions aside for the moment, Y/N focused on flying. Looking on each side of her, she smiled seeing Aegon and Jace fly alongside, it wasn't long until Dragonstone was in sight.

Though the closer they got they saw that the ports of the fishing village were filled with half burnt ships, some Velaryon, some unknown, and some, Y/N recognized as fishing ships from where she was born. A pit formed in her stomach "Adere Beira, adere [Faster Beira, faster]" Leaning forward, one hand holding the horn of the saddle tight and the other held the harness in which Braena was, Beira picked up the speed, flapping her wings more forcefully, flying past the other dragons. Aegon and Jace hurried as well.

Once they landed in the inner courtyard, Daemon came out and was walking towards Y/N. "The ships, why are they burnt? Mother, I saw ships from my village. Is my mother here? What happened?" Y/N was rambling, Daemon grabbed her arm squeezing them. "She's safe" Y/N calmed down a bit and took a deep breath. "What happened?" Aegon asked as he came up to Y/N's side, checking to see if she was alright.

"The fighting in the step stones resurfaced soon after the Seasnake left, they came back with more men, that's why the Velaryon ships were half burnt, they had to retreat. as for the rest, they left as a precaution, all surrounding villages have been evacuated, and as fate has it, your mother was on a ship bound for Dragonstone"

Y/N's face lit up, without much thought she hurried towards the keep "She's in Gerardys's quarters, helping with the wounded" Said Daemon loudly. Making her way through the hallways, passing various sailors with minor injuries, all of them bowing and greeting her as she walked by. Y/N opened the doors of the infirmary and saw her there, bandaging a young boy's arm "Try to avoid using that arm until it's healed" Smiling at him as he stood up thanking her before leaving. Brighid walked over to the water basin, washing her hands.

"Mother?" Y/N's voice trembled. Brighid turned around immediately, her eyes wide open. Neither of them waited another moment and closed the distance, but right before they met, Braena cooed from her bundles, making both women stop and shift their attention to her. Y/N smiled and undid the harness "This is Braena, your granddaughter" Brighid looked between Y/N and the little girl, wide eyed, Y/N gently handed Branea to Brighid, who was still wide eyed.

"A grandchild, she is so beautiful" Brighid held Braena in one arm and with the other she brushed her silver white hair, the touch making her open her eyes "She has your eyes Y/N, just as you have mine" Brighid gently rocked the girl, not taking her eyes off her. "If you think she is beautiful, you should see Haeron, her brother".

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2023 ⏰

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