CH.X Broken Towers

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Alicent tapped her finger on the table as she waited. Her father, the hand, was called in early for a private meeting with Viserys. Her mind flooded with what the subject might be, the biggest concern being yesterday's incident. If the king were to learn of what was said, her life would most likely be in danger.

Despite being the queen, fate had it that Viserys's favor lied with his first born daughter, making it nearly impossible for her to speak against anything Rhaenyra and her family might do. Alicent was deep in thought when Otto entered, only noticing him when he sat down across from her.

"It seems the Mother has been kind to us, Y/N hasn't spoken to the king, he only knows about the fight, I have managed to convince him it was due to the wine" Said Otto, looking at Alicent, studying her face which now showed signs of relaxing. "But she might still do so, we must be careful from now on" Alicent placed her hands on her table, joining them together as if her subconscious wanted to pray.

"And what do you propose? We can't leave it like this, Aemond has a dislocated shoulder and Daeron a split head". "Patience, for now" Replied Otto nonchalantly.

"Patience? My sons were once again hurt because of them and you are telling me to not do anything?" Alicent stood up and walked over to the window looking out, in the distance she could observe the tourney grounds being readied.

"Precisely, tempting fate is not a wise idea my dear daughter" Otto remained in his seat, only turning to look at her "In time I will ensure you get your justice for now, go to Daeron once more, urge him to apologize, we must show to the king that we are penitent" Alicent furrowed her brows, picking at her fingers without realizing.

Y/N walked out on the balcony of the tourney galleries, sitting next to Aegon "The twins are fed and sleeping, and I am sore" She said as she adjusted her top a bit, Aegon smiled and raised her hand to his lips, placing a kiss on the back of her palm. "I must admit dear, you did this to yourself when you refused to let the wet nurses take care of that. You can't complain now " Y/N yanked her hand back and scoffed in amusement , crossing her arms. "I don't remember such a law, besides now it's too late to change anything, they won't accept the wet nurses"

Aegon moved closer, placing his arm around her waist "You know...." he said in a whisper, making Y/N lean towards him while looking ahead at the jesters performing "I would be more than glad to massage them for you, if that helps" Aegon placed a kiss on her temple. "Oh how kind of you, but I must say" she smirked. "I don't have any complaints about any pain" Aegon chuckled at her cleverness.

Members of the small councils and some of Y/N's side of the family were starting to pour in, and servants were now serving refreshments. Jace came and sat on the empty seat on Y/N's right "I just came back from speaking with mother and Daemon" he said as he motioned for a servant, all of them taking a cup of wine. "We were there to help Daemon get ready for the lists and you wouldn't believe who had the nerves to show up" Both Aegon and Y/N both looked at Jace "Daeron, he came by the tents, looking for you sister, he wanted to apologize about yesterday" Y/N's face hardened as she drank .

"That weasel would only apologize if someone told him too, never on his own accord " added Aegon, shaking his head in disbelief "My thoughts as well, even Daemon saw through it, but mother insisted we accept the apology, for the sake of the wedding " Y/N turned to Jace once more "The only apology I would accept is from her itself, not that insufferable child, but, for the sake of Rhaenyra, I will drop the matter for now" Y/N took Aegon's hand, placing it over her lap "Yet I cannot say the same for my father" Aegon laughed "These games will be very interesting indeed, can't wait to see what he will do" He downed his cup, signaling for another.

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