Start from the beginning

Placing the phone back on the receiver somewhat forcibly, Dean let out a frustrated sigh. "Damn it! So close." No offence to her Dad's efforts, but Grace doubted he was.

"We're gonna have to find another way to save her." Grace spoke up, still hoping that they were going pull through and bring a stop to the demon's reign of death and fear.

Sam nodded towards his niece in agreement before announcing. "All right, it's time for plan B. We're getting on that plane."

Grace was thrilled.

Dean was not.

"Whoa, whoa, now just hold on there for a second." Protested the oldest Winchester wide-eyed in what Grace recognised as fear. He was afraid?

Nonetheless, the girl was grinning ear to ear in excitement. "My first plane ride!" She cheered rather eagerly and if Dean wasn't as panicked as he was, he would have smiled.

Sam then continued, unwavering in his plan. "Dean, that plane is leaving with over a hundred passengers on board, and if we're right," They most certainly were. "that plane is gonna crash."

"I know!" Dean exclaimed. However he still didn't appear as if he was going to get on the plane, as if one hundred lives on the line wasn't enough to convince him to go. He was most definitely afraid.

The middle Winchester gave the eldest a stern look. "We're getting on that plane."

"We have to stop the demon." Agreed Grace and she stared at her Dad with a concerned frown on her face. Knowing that he was frightened, she moved closer to his side and grabbed his freely hanging hand. Whenever either of them noticed the other was scared or sad or nervous, they would always reach out and hold their hand. It had become their thing.

And once their fingers came into contact, she could suddenly feel all his fear and panic building up in his body. Grace squeezed his hand comfortingly.

Sam continued, confused by his brother's reluctance to finish their hunt. "I'll get the tickets. You and Grace get whatever you can out of the trunk. Whatever that will make it through the security. Meet me back here in five minutes." He instructed them. Grace glanced at her Father; she knew could do it, but she wasn't sure he could. Noticing the anxious look on Dean's face, he questioned. "Are you okay?"

"No, not really." Dean admitted with small, slightly panicked breaths.

Frowning in a mixture of worry and confusion, Sam then asked. "What? What's wrong?" Grace could already tell what was wrong, after all, she could read her Dad like a book powers or no powers.

Dean did his best to avoid eye contact with his brother as he confessed rather hesitantly. "Well, I kind of have this problem with, uh..."


At the look of utter disbelief on Sam's face, Dean threw up his arms in exasperation. "It's never really been an issue until now."

Sam arched an eyebrow towards Dean incredulously. "You're joking, right?" Even though he was her Uncle, Grace was fighting the urge to go and have a strong talk with him.

"Do I look like I'm joking?"

The small psychic spoke up defensively. "Everyone's afraid of something." She pointed out. Sure, there were multiple things Grace was afraid of. Like losing her new family, or them being hurt in a hunt and even her own powers frightened her from time to time. Not to mention paper cuts: they were just so tiny and so painful.

Dean gestured to his daughter with his free hand. "Exactly. And why do you think I drive everywhere, Sam?" Before this case, Grace hadn't known of her Dad's fear of flying, this was new information. So before they took the demon—on—a—plane case, she just thought her Dad just preferred Baby, not that she could blame him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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