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phantom traveler — part three

CHAPTER ELEVEN — GRACE'S FIRST FLIGHTphantom traveler — part three

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"'Supernatural'? Really?" — sam winchester

"'Supernatural'? Really?" — sam winchester

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GRACE HAD NEVER BEEN TO AN AIRPORT BEFORE — THAT SHE COULD REMEMBER ANYHOW — SO SHE WAS COMPLETELY IN AWE OF THE PLACE AS HER AND HER FAMILY SPED THROUGH THE DOORS. But she didn't have time to stop and take in this new place, for they had a woman to stop from getting on her plane. Panting, out of breath, Grace's eyes scanned the area frantically in search of anything that would tell them where Amanda Walker was. But as she took in her surroundings, analysing each and every section, she couldn't ignore the feeling in her stomach telling her 'Run'. Grace could only assume that meant the demon was close.

Sam, being the tallest of the trio, was the first to notice the large electronic board hanging from the ceiling. "Right there." He pointed out, redirecting both Dean and Grace's gazes to the board. "They're boarding in thirty minutes."

"Okay. We still have some cards to play." He told them, not giving up. After all, the life of Amanda Walker depended on it. "We need to find a phone." Grace quickly found the courtesy phone attached to the wall and pointed over to it. Dean nodded in appreciation before going over and picking up the phone. "Hi. Gate thirteen. I'm trying to contact an Amanda Walker. She's a flight attendant on flight, um... flight 4-2-4."

As soon as Amanda picked up the phone, Dean posed as a Doctor who claimed Amanda's sister — Karen — had been involved in a car crash and was badly injured. Grace felt bad that her Dad was lying to her like that, especially considering they were using her own sister against her. From the look on his face, it wasn't going very well.

But they desperately needed Amanda to not get on her flight, so of course, he tried to fix it. And failed.

He tried to play along with Amanda's theory that he was just a friend of her ex-boyfriend. Even Grace, despite being nine, knew that wasn't a good idea. No matter that her Dad tried, he just couldn't seem to get Amanda to change her mind about the flight. So, the woman hung up and left Dean pointlessly shouting down into the phone. It looked like their rescue plan wasn't going exactly, to well, plan.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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