Sleepover (。'▽'。)♡

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(There's not enough fukase art out there bcuz I need more chapter covers. Also I watched Friday the 13th today. It was.. Something. Reminded me of Halloween cuz it was.. Not that scary and more goofy. Also i never mentioned I'm a huge horror movie watcher. I don't know why i watched that but I felt like I needed to cuz its one of the well known ones. BUT JACOB OR WHATEVER THE HOCKEY MASK GUY THAT IT'S KNOWN FOR NAME IS WASNT EVEN IN IT YET?? APPARENTLY HE SHOWS UP IN THE 3RD MOVIE?? maybe the 3rd movie is the best and that's why its so popular cuz otherwise I don't get it.. And I'm never watching the others probably, it was still fun to watch tho.)
'(insert something' is fukas thoughts. Don't worry a len pov will be soon.
Also warning for mention of horror? It just has to do with the movie.
Also I mightve purposely made this more awkward cuz it makes sense.
Song rec: a home for flowers (tulip version)
🍌"Soo.. What kinda stuff do you want to do? It's only 7."
🍓"I don't know, what do people even do at sleepovers?"
🍓"...other than sleeping. "
🍌"but what if I wanna sleep."
🍓"you can sleep later."
🍌"fufu.. I'm teasing."
🍌"oh yeah.. Sleepovers require PJs. Unless you wanna sleep in those. Maybe we should change."
🍓"oh yeah... I didn't prepare for this so I don't have any pajamas."
🍌"You might fit in mines. Here let me get you something."

Len started digging through a drawer and pulled out something.
🍌"here these should do."
🍓"oh. Thanks!"
Len grabbed his own too.
... Fukase looked around in confusion.
🍌"so are you gonna leave so I can change.. Or??"
🍓"sorry- where's the bathroom?"
🍌"over there!"

-: ✧ :-゜・.after fukase changed

it's tight but it should do.
He headed down the hallway and opened lens room door.
🍓"Hi I'm back"
🍌"oh hi! Next time knock though you kinda just barged in."
🍓"sososo sorry I forgot -"
🍌"no it's fine, not like I was doing anything so. Just a reminder."
🍌"anyway.. What do you wanna do?"
🍓"I dunno."
'Geez this guy isn't the best at giving me something to carry a convo with..(🍌)
"Wanna just talk?"
✧ :-゜・ they both sat on lens bed and had a bit of small talk..  (Just len asking questions while fukase doesn't contribute much.)
🍌"oh.. It's getting cold. And this thing isn't helping."
Len held the back of his head and took out his ponytail.
🍓"oh woah your hair is really long.."
'...he's really pretty'
🍌"I know.. I need to cut it. It's touching my back a bit now."
'but it suits you..'
🍓"do you mean completely?"
🍌"no no. I mean back to just off my shoulders."
🍓"Good, I really like it actually!"
🍌"you do? That's a surprise. Rin makes fun of me for it."
🍓"Whos Rin?"
🍌"oh, my sister. That's why you can hear music coming from down the hallway. That's her."
🍓"why haven't I seen her yet?"
🍌"she's probably too immersed in whatever she's doing to care at the moment, either that or she probably thinks you left."
🍌"she will probably be eating with us though so prepare yourself."
🍓"is she crazy or something?"
🍌"no, she's nice! She's just... Rin."
🍓"I get it, I have an older brother and sister so."
🍌"yeah, older siblings..." (derogatory)
🍓"yeah they can be a pain. "
🍌"yeah.. Wait here I'm gonna get something."
🍓"oh okay" 👍
. . .
He was back with a brush.
🍌"hi I'm back"
He had his head turned away from fukase because he was brushing his hair.
🍓"oh woah, you have to deal with that too?"
🍌"yeah. My sister has shorter hair than me so I had to just learn how to take care of it myself. It's pretty easy now though."
🍓"that's cool..."
. . .
🍓"could I touch it?"
Fukase started playing with his hair.
🍓"I can tell you take good care of it. My hair is a damaged mess."
🍌"oh, why?"
🍓"I'm not the most patient person, so when I try to brush it I do it way too violently and end up stretching it, so it tangles and breaks."
🍌"just hearing that makes me cringe,"
🍓"yeah. I have to experience it so imagine that."
🍌"oh.. god I hate tangled hair.."
Len shook his hands back and forth super fast in a disgusted way and groaned.
Len started ranting and Fuka got an idea.
Hehe.. He isn't paying attention.
Fukase took two hair ties.
"Once I was so late for school because my hair was an awful mess, I decided to just stay home beca-
Fukase planted a mirror infront of lens face.
Len could feel his face heating up.
Len turned his head around slowly and squinted his eyes at fukase.
🍓"hey, why that face? I think the pig tails look cute~"
🍌"haha. You are absolutely hilarious Mr. blood clot! So funny infact- as a reward you get the honor of-
Len forced his voice to go deep.
-brushing this all out for me."
🍓"Mr. WHAT NOW?"
Len completely ignored him and placed the brush in his hand.
🍌"take them out for me."
🍓"challenge accepted."
Fukase started to pull the ties out.
Len covered his head in defense.
🍓"SORRY.. How am I supposed to then."
🍌"like this.."
He took them out slowly.
🍌"there. Now you brush it."
Fukase started brushing from the top.
"You're doing good but start from the bottom and work your way up."

. . . time skip

🍓"Tadaa! finished."
🍌"I hate it."
🍌"I'm kidding. Thank you actually! you did good."
🍓sigh.. "and thank you for being patient with me.."
🍌"hm.. now what?"
🍓"maybe we could watch something?"
🍌"good idea, we could watch a movie!"
🍌"what genre?"
🍓"a horror movie?" fukase smirked creepily
🍌"...why are you looking at me like that."
🍓"oh nothing, I just think it would be funny."
🍌"are you getting comedy and horror mixed up"
🍌"wait are you implying I get scared easily"
🍓"i mean.."
len squinted his eyes at him
🍓"you do sound and look like a pussy-"
len snapped his neck around staring at fukase with his eyes wide open.
fukase was turning pink because how close len was, while len was unfazed.
'don't think this counts as a cute moment but I'll take it'
fukase could see len trying to not smile.
Fukase laughed at him.
🍓"dude you can give up, its okay."
🍌"damn it..."
🍓"wait you can talk like that?"
🍌"I didn't curse!"
🍓"yada yada I never said you did, can we pick a movie now?"
🍌"sure, honestly horror does sound fun right now."
🍓"yeah, after seeing you fail miserably at scaring me let's watch something actually creepy."
🍌"whatever! your face is creepy."
🍓"you don't mean that do you?~"
len took the remote and turned on the tv
🍌"hmm.. how about "The Shining?"
🍓 "I've been wanting to watch that"
🍌"alright then lets watch it-
but first let me get more snacks n some blankets"
. . .
🍌"alrighty I'm back!"
🍓"lets watch.. I'm excited"
🍌"me too"
they shared a blanket and snacks.
(I won't spoil anything too major from the movie in this part I just thought of something random. its really good tho you should watch it."
A few minutes in.
🍓"are you scared~~"
🍌"I'm trying to listen."
Skip to the bridge to a scary part.
Fukase grabbed lens hand "unintentionally"
Len got a bit flustered but ignored it.

Len was obviously nervous, so was fukase but he tried to seen cool.
Fukase gripped lens hand tighter.

"Wendy. Darling. Light of my life. I'm not gonna hurt ya. You didn't let me finish my sentence. I said, I'm not gonna hurt ya. I'm just going to bash your brains in. Gonna bash 'em right the f**k in!
Oh yeah, they're pretty much holding each other now.

🍓"Oh god this is the part I think"
🍌"What part?" he was just scaring Len more
"Should I prepare myself or??"
🍓"you'll see."

🍌"oh now I know what you were talking about." 😨

The end with the photo (if yk yk)
🍓"wait what"
🍓"I'm so confused.."
🍌"I'm gonna need to look up an explanation for this all later.."
🍓"so much happened in one movie.. "
🍓"It was really good though."
🍌"yeah. It would have been a little more enjoyable for me if you didn't yank onto my hair every time you were scared."
🍌"I didn't expect you to get so scared."
🍓"well so did you!"
🍌"yeah we both did but you were just as much or more scared than me."
🍓"whatever.." fukase rolled his eyes and len laughed at him.
🍌"you're getting tired, aren't you?"
🍓"I guess, yeah"
🍌"I mean it's only.."
Len checked the time on the TV.
🍌"oh.. It's 2 am."
🍓"we should go to bed."
🍌"oh okay.. but do you want to eat an actual meal though? I don't want you to be hungry"
🍓"nah, I wouldn't want you to do all that. Plus, I'm too tired."
🍌"oh alright."
. . .
🍌"problem.I don't have any sleeping bags or an extra mattress at the moment.."
Fuka pointed to lens bed.
🍓"eh? can't we just sleep there?"
🍌"together?? No no I can just sleep on the floor with some blankets or something."
🍓"that's not very comfortable though.."
🍌"it's better than nothing."
🍓"but seriously I don't want you to have to do that"
🍌"but I don't want you to have to sleep on the floor."
🍓"no I mean sleeping together, genuinely I don't mind."
Len was red. 
🍌"I guess if you're comfortable with it.."
🍌"but first let's just get ready for bed."
🍓"oh okay"
They both brushed their teeth, etc
They both got into bed.
🍓"night! I had a lot of fun tonight."
🍌"me too. Night fukase."
Fukase smiled.
Len smiled.
Fukase fell asleep pretty quick but it took Len longer, after all it was still pretty awkward.
'We aren't little kids.. Doing this stuff isn't really normalized. But I guess we are both guys so..'
He shook off his embarrassment and fell asleep.

Woowie. Long chapter. Sorry for being so late, I had some stuff come up but I hope this is good

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