Math tutor (*'ω`*)'

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(Hehheh I'm in Vegas atm for the first time there and outside of my state it's so pretty the city is sparkling rn it's 12 lmao, it's kinda triggering my vertigo though. Also I recommend say something by twice for this chapter. ALSOO should I make a playlist for this fic and link it?)
fukas eyes shot open


Intense franticing to turn off the alarm
... Is it really already morning??
. ..

I REALLY, really need to change that alarm sound when I get the time.
- timeskip cuz getting ready for schools boring

Fuka has arrived at school and he's walking to algebra 😙
Woah. Never expected to ever be looking forward to algebra. Well I'm more looking forward to when it's over so I can ask him to help me with math.
Fukases nervous at the same time though (><)

"Okay class, test time!"
Wait what. Shit I forgot..,
Oh well. It's okay fuka. It's gonna be aye-okay! I'm just gonna try my best.
Fuka was staring into the clock waiting for the nerve wrecking class to be over.
He pretty much guessed or just went with his first answer the entire test, so he was done early.
He attempted to see if he could peak over lens shoulder to cheat but he failed and only received a concerned look from him.
(Theory alert: if you think really hard about it, and put together the context clues, fukase failed the test miserably.)

Finally it's over!
Fukase got out of his seat when he heard..
"The bell does not dismiss you I do."
Whats it even for then...

Like 5 minutes of announcements later
Fukase was taking his stuff with him when he realized he almost forgot and went over to lens seat

🍌"Oh! Hi! (^^)"
🍓"Oh hi... Uh what's your name again? And how are you?"
🍌"Len. And I'm good thanks for asking. Anything you need?"
🍓"Cool name. And yeah actually, uhm.. Only if you want to but ah would you be open to helping me with math?"
🍓"Only if you want to of course,"
🍌"oh! Sure. I mean I don't have anything to do today if you wanna plan it now."
🍓"Wait really? Thank you. I don't either so maybe after school?"
🍌"sure, my house?"
🍌"I could give you my number and send you my address, or we can meet at the school gate after school and walk together?"
🍓" is it okay if I get your phone number and we walk together?"
🍌"oh. Sure."
🍌"here give me your phone I'll enter it."
🍓"oh here"
. . .
🍌"okay there!"
🍌"I put my name there already but you can add whatever contact name."
🍓"ooh okay thanks."
contact name changed to "len 💛🐱"

🍌"okay well cya after school!" len waved and smiled
🍓"see ya!" he smiled back.

Fukase left the class still smiling.

- timeskip to after school.
Fukase hurried to be the first one to the gate waiting for len.
Okay I'm here. I'm quite early I guess because he's not to be seen yet..
After a few minutes he saw len speed walking to him
🍌"Hi hi hi! So sorry, people talking to me and stuff."
🍓"oh, hi! No worries, that's expected for a new student."
🍌"yeah, didn't expect that many though."
🍌"well anyway, wanna get going?"
🍓"sure, lead the way."
Fukase followed behind len until they got there. Majority silence or len carrying the small talk.
Len opened the door to his house.
🍌"Come in, come in! Oh and leave your shoes here."
Len pointed to a shoe rack.
🍌"Also if you hear someone in the house, don't worry it's just my older sister. She's kind of a menace so she might be a bit loud but she won't bother us and she doesn't have bad intentions. She's nice, I'll introduce you to her later."
Oh. It's not just us.
🍓"Oh alright!"
🍌"Oh! Are you hungry? I have snacks or I can make you something."
🍓"Oh I wouldn't want to make you do all that, but thanks. The snacks though?"
🍌"Sure I'll go get some!"
Len left the living room to the kitchen and fukase looked around
It's actually cute in here. I wonder what his room looks like..
I wonder if he would mind if I went upstairs. Well I won't without his permission.
. . . . .
🍌"I'm back!"
Len places down a giant platter with a bunch of fruit and cookies.
🍓"Oh woah! Thanks so much."
🍌"No problem, I mean you're a guest here."
Fukase smiled at him. He smiled back.
🍌"Hey actually, it might be better to do it upstairs in my room. I can carry this."
Len picked up the platter and started going up the stairs, he was clearly struggling though
🍓"Wait, let me take that."
Fukase carefully took it from him
🍌"oh, no I can do it myself-"
🍓"no it's fine, don't worry."
Len looked a little embarrassed.
🍌"haha.. Thanks."
🍓"no problem."
Fufu.. He's really cute...
They got upstairs without dropping it.
🍌"here, this ways my room."
Len opened the door to a cutely decorated room.
🍓"it's very cute in here."
🍌"oh... You think so? thanks."(^^♪
They both sat down on the floor next to lens bed.
🍌"well, shall we start?"
🍓"yes we shall"
🍌"fufu.. Alright."
They both pulled out their math books and started.
. . . . .
A bit later into the tutoring.
🍌"so, you first need to make a plan and in order to do that you need to use what you know from this points problem and...
. . . .
This is really boring. I hate math.. At least lens patient. If I had to deal with teaching myself I would cry. Speaking of crying.. I need to finish the movie I started watching soon before I forget what happened so far and...
🍌"hey.. HEY! earth to fukase... Snap out of it!!"
Fukase stopped zoning out and realized he zoned out staring at len again.
Len was waving in his face.
🍓"AH! Ah.. Oh." (°o°:)
🍌"haha sorry for raising my voice a bit.. I'm not mad, you just zoned out again."
🍓"oh god I'm so sorry, I need to work on that."
🍌"no it's fine, I understand. This stuff really isn't interesting."
🍌"hey, how about we stop for tonight. It's getting late and we did make some progress."
🍓"oh okay.. Again I'm really sorry."
🍌"no problem. I'm happy to help!" ^_^

🍓"okay I'm gonna get my stuff and head out.. Again thanks so much!"
🍌"no problem again, also actually- its raining really hard out."
🍌"if you want you could stay here for the night?.. "
🍌"no pressure."
🍓"no no actually I would love- .. like to. But are you sure? I wouldn't want to be a bother."
🍌"no it's fine, it's gets lonely in here anyway.. And I want to get to know you a bit more."
Did he just.. Say he wants to get to know me more?! Woah.. He's actually interested in me.. ////
🍓"oh okay, sure I'll stay. Thanks so much."
Fukase kept his "cool" persona but he was really ecstatic and also turning pink.
🍌"no problem! Really, I'm happy you're staying honestly. It gets boring here."
Fukase nodded in awe.


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