{Not your typical love story} Dick Grayson X Non blonde reader (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"Who is it?"

"Someone named Steph. She wants to know if you have any objections to her naming him Bilbo?"

Dick slowly reached into his pocket.

"Tell her we aren't keeping it."

"That was just the first message. She goes on to talk about feeding him salmon. He's eaten a whole can."

Dick pulled out a pen.

"Tell her to call animal services!"

"Now he's sick again."

Dick started to write something on his palm.

You drug your hand down your face, "Tell her she's cleaning up the mess!"

"She wants to know if you want to see a photo."

Dick put the pen away.

"Of his barf!? No!"

Dick, reached across to hold your wrist. Slowly turning over his hand revealed, "unlock the doors." written on his palm.

You unlocked them.

"She saids Bill has become really friendly and isn't throwing up anymore." The phone buzzed again. "Now she's just sending a ton of selfies with the cat, he's a tabby. Pretty big, part of his ear is mis--" He didn't finish that because Dick lunged back, grabbing his gun hand and forcing it up as he slammed his head against the front seat and ordered you to run.

You conflicted about which you would end up with in the end, but decided to listen as you were sure you wanted to live to find out. Dick wrenched the gun from Tony's hand and you both jumped out of the car and took off down the street.

However, in this hast, neither of you remembered, or both neglected to remove the keys from the ignition. It wasn't long before Tony had gotten out of the back, into the front, and barreled after you both.

Dick jumped to the side pulling you with him just in time to miss becoming roadkill.

"Shoot out the tires!" You shouted as you dodged behind a dumpster and Tony began to turn.

"I'm not good with guns."

"But you're a cop! Isn't that part of your training!?" You demanded as he jumped up on a fire escape and grabbed the back of your shirt, hauling you up before Tony hit you.

"I mostly used my Taser."

"Give it to me." You grunted, holding out your hand.

"How about, we don't shoot anyone and just run for it since he can't hit us up here." He offered as you both ran up the stairs.

Tony got out of the car in a moment and after you. He gained quickly. You'd reached the top of the fire escape. Tony approached. Dick handed you the gun. Not because he wanted you to use it, but because he needed both hands. You didn't know this.

Dick got up on the rail and jumped to the roof.

You aimed to kill.

Dick pulled himself up.

Your finger fell to the trigger.

He yanked you up.

You shot Tony's leg.

Tony looked at his right leg. You looked at the hole in his pants and the bullet laying on the ground with a flattened front. Initially, you thought, "wow, he's been working out." And you might have drooled, just slightly, before realizing that wasn't possible.

No, the reason the bullet hadn't penetrated his leg, was because his leg had been amputated five years ago. And it had been replaced by a state-of-the-art cybernetic leg that was not only bulletproof but also made customs a nightmare. He'd mostly been flying on his private jets these days.

Tony lunged forward plowing you to the ground. Wrestling the gun out of your hand, he pinned you down and pressed it against your head.

"Wait, why do you even want to kill her!?" Dick asked, trying to get him to think about what he was doing and hopefully not do it, "it was your choice to not seek medical attention right away. Y\N isn't to blame that you lost your leg."

"So you're going to kill me because you blame me for having lost your leg?" You said, disgusted he would be angry about becoming a sexy cyborg. You weren't even sure you wanted him anymore if he were so ungrateful.

"That was my left leg," Tony said, getting off you he stood up, crouching slightly he yanked up his left pant leg without taking his eyes or gun off you.

Sure enough, a terrible bullet scar marred his left leg. But still a truly nice calf despite the touch of maiming. You bit your lip while staring for a little too long.

"Then how did you lose your leg?" Dick asked.

"A very unfortunate accident on the way home from the hospital."

"Then why do you want to kill her?"

"I don't want to kill her, I want my shirt back."

"Your shirt?"

"She's wearing it now, it has my initials sewn into the back collar."

"Okay, Y\N. Give him back his shirt."

You wanted to say it wasn't that easy, but Tony assured you he would kill you if he had to. He had always been extremely possessive of his shirts. You weren't sure how you'd forgotten that about him.

He gave back your phone and left with his shirt. You were left holding your bag over your chest with Dick standing to your side texting someone. He pulled off his jacket and handed it to you to put on. Then he went home but left his number in case you needed anything. You didn't even put it on, you were so shocked by this all you stayed with your bag.

Your phone buzzed, "Apartment clean. Bill is mushpot. We must keep him! He is too good for this world!" It came with a photo of Stephenie on her bed with a large orange cat missing an ear laying on the pillow next to her.

You slid to the ground and simply sat there with your bag clenched over your chest as you finally realized something. You didn't want this kind of love. You didn't feel sexy, that had just left you embarrassed and in a bad position. You didn't want a heartless criminal, sure, the rush of it all might be fun for a while, but love wasn't about 'now'. Love was about finding someone you could spend forever with, someone you wouldn't have to feel unsafe with, someone who would never purposefully hurt you over a shirt he already had another exactly like. Love could hurt. But this wasn't love.

You didn't want this. Not anymore. You pulled out your phone and dialed a number. The phone rang only twice before he picked up, "Professor Wilkins, this is Y\N L\N. I just wanted to let you know I understand you had to reject me back in high school because you could have lost your position. But I'm legal now, so if you thought I was hot in high school you can say so and we could meet up. I'm currently topless, for an unrelated reason. Just thought I'd let you know. " You purred seductively.

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