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"We are having a special an event today which a special event can turn bloody real quick at least when I'm around. We were all in the Quad as Ms Weems gave a little and quick speech before they started handing out envelopes with papers inside them. I got pilgrim world not the best place to kill but it will do. I'm approached by Wednesday and Enid. Enid does not look happy and since i got to be that nerdy caring clueless friend I've got to check on her which i rather not even though she is good looking eh"

Y/n: Enid you good?

Enid: No.

Wednesday: She is being dramatic.

Enid: NO!

Y/n: What happened?

Enid: She made me trade with her

Y/n: Oh-

Wednesday: I already told you. Ajax will be there

Enid: I know... I'm just not mentally ready

"I raise my eyebrows at her"

Enid: Don't give me that look!

Y/n: S-Sorry!

"I chuckle. I wasn't scared of this bitch literally! She got scared over just a phone call I Made like i can tell she doesn't have dark humor she's a big baby"

Wednesday: You and Me will go to pilgrim world together.

Y/n: W-What?


Wednesday: You heard me.

"I awkwardly nod"

*Pillgrim world*

"We just got to pilgrim world and its already torture its population is big its loud and old fashion which i don't mind but the OUTFIT WE HAVE ON IS NOT IT and we have to hand things out. Do i look like a slave? I will wipe the floor with your head literality"

"Before i knew it Wednesday made me follow her to a building, we entered it which was full of history, i guess? We start to walk around we approach a painting which she seemed interested in. In the photo was a girl that looked close to what she looked like"

Y/n: I'm confused why does she look like you?

Wednesday: I-I've seen her in my visions.


Y/n: W-What?

Wednesday: I've been having visions lately and she has been in my most recent.

Y/n: Visions of what?

Y/n: The killer.

"I nod pretended to be creeped out. We approach a book she opens and starts flipping through the book she was disappointed. The door swings open"


RandomAssLady: What are you two doing?

Y/n: Studying history.

"I'm a good lier so i came up with a lie quickly"

Wednesday: Y-Yes we were interested.

RandomAssLady: Did you two not hear me before?

Y/n: No we didn't. You see i have really bad hearing from blasting music in my ears while reading books at the time i had earbuds in i couldn't hear nothing and Wednesday here is part death she was stabbed in the ear.

"The lady gives us a dirty but fearful look she points out giving us a signal to leave she may have caught on to the lie because that sounded a little unrealistic but i found it funny"

"Wednesday ran off somewhere and i also ran off somewhere and got ready for some fun you know? I followed her into the Weathervane i watched from a far as she talked to Xavier then Tyler looks like she had a map? Interesting i wonder if she is going camping why didn't she invite me? I follow her out and into the woods we go into an old building? I didn't follow her in but i heard some voices Wednesday was talking to somebody and then a voice of a older male were heard i figured she could take care of her self i peaked in looking at what she was doing even though the man was gone she was still talking to herself as if there was a person there... creepy who knew she talked to herself?"

"She goes exit but she falls to the ground this must be a vision huh? I wasn't going touch her a little bit later it started to rain she also woke up and ran out of the building back to nevermore?"


"Later back at Jericho i took my costume off we all sat on benches as the Mayor and Weems did a quick speech then music started playing and Wednesday was playing the cello. I little bit later something smelled like it was burning till all the sudden we all heard a boom i wasn't scared by it but i had to pretend everybody was scared and running the statue was on fire and Wednesday started playing a song that could bring chills down your spine pretty vivid"

*Later That night*

"I was in my costume ready to kill some bitches. I picked my victim nothing special other than a two kill tonight excited to call them i quickly call them they pick up and of course I'm a flirt"

Ghostface: Hey

Girl1: Hi Do i know you...?

Ghostface: Yeah, i think we have classes together.

Girl1: You go to nevermore?

Ghostface: Yes i do and i couldn't help but notice your pretty eyes...

Girl1: Oh well thank you.

"She says sounding a little flattered."

Ghostface: Your eyes are like so beautiful...

Girl1: You really think?

Ghostface: Yes yes! I would just love to have a pair of your eyes

Girl1: What do you mean?

Ghostface: I would love to stab your eyes out of the socket and keep them.

"I smirk i could hear heavy breathing on the otherside i heard the other victim in the room as well"


"She screams into the phone"

Ghostface: Want to find out?

Girl1: You sick fuck...

"I hang up and kick the door in i hear the two girls scream in fear i look at them both they go to run but i chase them and tackle one i put the knife to her knife and slit her throat. I chased the other girl as she screamed in fear seeing her friend dead she threw a lamp at me i fell to the ground and groaned i quickly got up and she slammed the bathroom door shut on me i banged on the door but it was going to work i stab my way through the door as she screamed i broke in and went after her she went to run but i grabbed her by the neck choking her a little and throwing her head into the bathroom mirror going face to face she stomps on my foot i groan and push her into the bathtub i turn the water on as hot as i can she screams and i start to stab her to death. I left and went to bed having some sweet dream of her screams."

Note: He brutal with it ONG LOL DRAMA THO FR FR

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