Christian's eyes were filled with awe, raising his eyebrows before looking back over at April De Luca with a heavy sigh and tethered eyebrows. "I swear I've spoken to her before... but I really can't remember."

"She's Jorji's cousin you know," Mason told him, "maybe that's how."

But Christian just shook his head with a lengthy sigh, eyes widening at the thought. "No way," he laughed airily, "I remember Jorji's cousin, and Jorji's cousin did not look that good."

Christian chugged his drink before standing up, pointing at Mase as he spoke, "you know, when Jorji's cousin came to one of our games she kept talking to me for like hours and I couldn't get her away. So trust me, I'd know if she was Jorji's cousin... anyway, I need a drink. I'll leave you two love-birds be."

At that, Christian walked away and Berkley covered her mouth with her fingers to stop herself from retorting at the boy before he strode off. She then turned to Mason with a look of mischief in her eye as she recalled the conversation the two had just witnessed.

Mason stared at her before letting his expression fall, shaking his head in a hesitant manner. "Oh no," he mumbled, recognising the look in her eye, "what's happening in that brain of yours?"

"You know, April's had a crush on Christian for like the past year..." Berkley began to say, "she always mentions this one Croatian she had talked to last time she was at Jorji's games but she must've not known that Christian is actually American... and she has had a massive glow up since then..."

Mason groaned, throwing his head back as he pulled Berkley in closer to him. "Just leave it, Berks, they'll figure it out sooner or later."

Berkley stared at him blankly as his hands sat on her waist, pulling her closer to him so his grasp could remain tighter. "Have you met Christian?" Berkley huffed, "He's so dim... AND! you can see that he thinks she's cute, can't you?"

"You can't make Christian do anything though," Mason shrugged, "it's a lost cause. It'll happen if it needs to happen."

Berkley then pinched the boy's ear as it was the closest thing she could think of pinching, making him yelp as he glared at her confused.


"He was a wingman to you so you have to be a wingman to him!" Berkley said, "imagine if him and Chilly hadn't thrown your water bottle at me. Then what?"

Mason rolled his eyes, sinking in his spot he mumbled to himself. "I would've spoken to you eventually."

Berkley looked at him sternly, "Don't lie."

"I would've!" He squeaked.

The girl rolled her eyes, knowing all too well that his voice went up two octaves when ever he was uncertain about something. Nonetheless, playfully, she just shoved him before laying back in his arms, feeling his chest vibrate as he laughed at her weak little push.

"Help," a sudden voice called from Mason's side, the couple's short moment of peace being interrupted by a frantic blonde now sitting beside them. Berkley sat up, furrowing her brows as Kiana Keaton stared at her in distress.

"What's up?" She asked in genuine concern.

The two watched as Kiana pointed towards the beer pong table instantly, her eyes fixated on one person as she stared. "That. What is that?"

Mason trailed her gaze, following to see Reece and Chilly on one side of the table and James and John McGinn on the other as Christian stood in between, chuckling at their game. He was unsure of which one she was pointing to, looking back at her in confusion. "Be more specific."

"The pretty one."

"Good god," Berkley grumbled, pinching the bridge of her nose as her best friend's point remained vague.

"Okay..." He let on, looking back over to just take a wild guess on which one she could possibly be speaking about. She stared at Reece and Chilly first since he assumed her finger was pointing more right than left. "Baby blue shirt or white shirt?"

"Baby blue," she said with a nod, "the one with the hat."

"She's talking about Ben," Berkley stated, rolling her eyes as she gave Kiana a brief glare, "you could've just started with the hat thing."

"Whatever," she waved off before looking primarily at Mason, "he's your teammate?"

Mason hummed with a nod. "Yeah."

"Interesting..." she mumbled slightly, looking at Berkley for a moment before looking back at Mason with a slightly hesitant look. She nodded at the boy, setting her eyes on her best friend as she spoke, "I was always more into F1 than soccer boys... but does he care to introduce me to that cutie over there?"

Berkley shrugged, giving Mason room to answer which he nodded to willingly, "Ben, yeah?"

"Mhm," she hummed with a firm nod before her eyes planted there again. She thought for a moment, truly scanning the group of boys ahead of her. "Wait- how about that one?" She said, pointing again, "the one with a bandana around his wrist. He your teammate too?"

Mason looked over, spotting the bandana before looking back. "Christian? Yeah he is," Mason nodded again, "he's American too actually."

Suddenly, Kiana's eyebrows raised in interest as her eyes lit up and her posture straightened. "Is he now?" She smirked, "they're both quite cute you know... more so the one in the hat."

"Good," Berkley said suddenly, standing up to grab the girls hand as she pulled her up from the couch. Her hands found her way to Kiana's back before she pushed her in the beer pong table's direction, "go talk to him!"


"Good luck- BEN!" she whispered to Kiana, before calling out to Ben loudly and then rushing back down to where Mason sat.

She watched as Kiana's face flushed red as she stood still, seeing Ben look in her direction in confusion before his gaze somewhat softened at the sight of her.

Mason stifled his laugh, tightly grasping Berkley as she sank into his hold and turned to him with a grin.

"A match made in Heaven if I do say so myself," she said proudly, watching as Ben suddenly started speaking to Kiana smoothly, "and that's how you properly wingwoman. Take notes."

Mason laughed at her, shaking his head with a snort. "Nah," he waved off, "they won't even come close to us."

"Us?" She asked, a smile still playing on her face as her eyes slightly lit up at the possibility.

"Us," he nodded confidently, "whatever us is, nothing and nobody can come close."

Berkley chuckled, giving him an impressed look, "you sure sound confident."

But Mason's expression didn't falter as he just shrugged as if the answer was obvious. "Come on, Berks," he scoffed, acting as if she had been entirely naive, "it's us." He stated again, almost firmly and with the utmost confidence, "it's the only thing I've really been sure of my entire life."

brynn speaks
Gn. I do not like this

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