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"This feels so wrong..." Berkley whispered as she walked through the glass door Mason held open for her. Her eyes scanned the white and royal blue walls surrounding her, feeling a slight sense of uneasiness as if she didn't belong there.

"It'll be fine, trust me." Mason told her. He looked down at the girl as she bit at her thumb nail. Her eyes darted around anxiously as she walked, hugging herself to be postured as small as she could. She wasn't the usual cool and collected girl she carried herself as, and he felt a slight form of guilt in his chest seeing her in such an uncomfortable state.

Mason sighed as he placed a hand on the small of her back to lead her along the hallway. Berkley softened at his touch. The girl looked up at him, slowing her step so they were side by side, and he just gave her a reassuring smile.

"Are you sure Tuchel will be okay with this?" She asks him. The boy nodded.

"Yeah I've told my team and him already, everything is well planned," he said trying to ease her nerves. However, he too felt antsy inside as he wished in his mind that things would go okay today. He wouldn't know what to do if the team hadn't liked her and vice versa as they were his entire life; and as much as he liked Berkley Beckham, he didn't feel as though she meant as much to him as this team did. Not yet at least.

"Mason!" The two suddenly heard a call from down the hallway, turning to see two boys just walk into the facility.

Berkley felt her heart race as she darted her eyes up to Mason in worry, a look at which he caught and just smiled at. His hand remained wrapped around her waist as he turned and waited for the two familiar faces approaching him.

"Tam!" He greeted, holding out his hand to shake his teammate as they came close, "how you been!"

"Good, man, good." The guy nodded. Behind him, following just shortly, was Reece James, a face Berkley had recognised before. Her eyes bounced between the two teammates as they moved their attention to her.

"You must be Berkley," Tammy gave Mason a quick look, raising his eyebrows as a smirk sat on his face.

"That's me," she smiled. The girl pointed at him, tilting her head in a questioning manner, "Tammy Abraham, yes?"

Tammy grinned hard, turning and slapping Reece on the chest in an excited manner. "Hear that bro?" He squealed slightly, "David Beckham's spawn knows my name!"

Berkley snorted a laugh, easing at the welcoming manner of the boys in front of her. She didn't even feel Mason's longing gaze on her as he watched her so easily interact with his Reece and Tammy.

There was something about the way Berkley communicated to people that just captivated the boy so much. He found himself wanting to just hear her talk, not even if it were to him. She acted with such poise and class yet still came off as someone so easy to get along with and have a good time with. He could see the way Reece and Tammy talked to her too, it was easy. He couldn't believe he had even doubted for a second that they wouldn't like her. It was enthralling to simply see her exist, and Mason felt as though he could just listen to her voice on replay for hours and hours.

"We'll turn you into a blue in no time, baby Beckham," Reece joked as Mason snapped back into the conversation his three counterparts were having.

"Baby Beckham?" She questioned, a playful smile still on her face. She thought for a moment before nodding in approval, "I like it."

"Good," Tammy chimed in, "because around here, nicknames stick... And I have a feeling you won't be going anywhere anytime soon."

Berkley watched as the boy then shot Mason a look, smirking at him in a not-so-subtle way. She glanced up at him, seeing him look down at her with his cheeks slowly tinting pink.

"Except maybe to the emirates stadium to pray," Mason added with a light chuckle, making the girl roll her eyes and shove him lightly.

Reece watched the two, looking at his friend and the way his eyes stayed glued to her. He never understood when girls would say you're glowing to a friend when they began seeing a guy they fancied, but Mason Mount was definitely shining. Reece couldn't help but smile for him too.

"Anyway, we're gonna go change now. It was really nice to meet you, Baby Beckham," Tammy said, nudging Reece lightly before nodding and walking over to the change rooms.

Reece ushered him to go on before turning to Mason, "you coming?"

Berkley looked up to see him shake his head. "Nah you go on," he said before glancing down at the girl by his side. She saw a mischievous gleam in his eye as he smiled at her, "I gotta show this one something first."

Berkley looked at him in confusion before glancing over at Reece James, just seeing him wiggle his eyebrows with a wink before walking off. She looked back up at Mason, opening her mouth to speak before she was suddenly dragged away as he grasped her hand.

"Come on," he said, "I have a suprise for you."

"Chelsea tv?!" Berkley gasped as she now stood in the Cobham media room, trailing Mason as he walked around to grab her a small video camera and a microphone. The girl felt her heart pound as she stared at all the equipment and the papers scattered around. She felt drawn to look at what sorts of ideas and plans the Chelsea media team had for advertisement and such, but felt it may have been like invading government files.

Mason walked up her to, seeing the look of bewilderment in her eye as she took in her surroundings. The boy smiled seeing her light up at the sight as he swung a lanyard around her neck and handed her the stuff.

"I know you mentioned at some point while we were playing Fifa that your dream was to work in sports media so I pulled some strings and thought you'd like it..." Berkley stared at him with her wide eyes as he shuffled under her gaze. He scratched the back of his neck at the sudden nervousness that overcame him, "I'm not sure if this is exactly what part of sports media you wanted so if you don't like it then I completely understand... and I know you're an arsenal fan and all but I still-"

Suddenly, Mason stumbled at the pair of arms that wrapped around his torso. His heart fluttered when he looked down to see Berkley's face buried in his chest as she smiled and hugged him. "Thank you." She said before looking up at him sweetly, "really."

Mason felt his breathing hitch as he met her gaze, a smile finding its way to pull at his lips. "Of course."

He wished her arms could stay wrapped around him forever, and his to her, but he remained cool as she pulled away from him, picking up the laminated tag that was swung around her neck and analysing it. He stared at her for a moment, taking in pride the pride he felt from the genuine happiness he provided for her, until he remembered one last detail.

"Oh!" He pointed out, causing her to look up at him in intrigue. Mason turned and grabbed something from his bag as Berkley watched him, eyebrows knitted together in curiosity. The boy smiled with innocence as he finally held out the retrieved item to her, "one last thing..."

The girl stared at what was in his hand, hesitantly taking it from him. That was when her eyes finally recognised the dark blue fabric and the name written on bold letters on the back. Her smile fell before looking back up at Mason with a dead face. She shook her head, "no."

"Oh yes," he nodded with a grin.

Berkley rolled her eyes, groaning to herself as she analysed the jersey. "Do I have to?"

"If you want to work Chelsea TV yes."

Berkley sighed and looked at him. "And the Mount 19? Is that a requirement too?"

She watched as his grin grew bigger, shrugging his shoulders like a child. "You have to get used to your future name somehow, right?"

brynn speaks
i cba to proof read anymore, enjoy.

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