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"I just hate this! I can't do this anymore!" Vito shouted with tears slowly running down her face

"V it's alright!" I hug her trying to calm her down

"You don't get it! For the last two weeks I've been called materialistic, a gold digger, a lucky no namer, I've been thrown at all kind of dirty looks from women who have a crush on you. And I just went out for frickin' groceries.I have hate pages on Facebook! I did nothing wrong yet everyone dislikes me. " she said sounding so angry but so sad at the same time

"Hey...I know but you just have to ignore them. Not everyone likes me either but not everyone matters righ?" I say kissing her cheek

"Yeah...it's just frustrating you know? All I ever done was to be in love" she sighed wiping the tears from her face

"And that's all that matters. That we are together and we love each other."

"I love you" she said in my arms

"I love you more" I said and I believe it every time I say it

"You said you had a surprise before I came home" she asked me with her crying voice that was breaking my heart. To see her sad was the last thing I wanted.

"Oh yes. Come with me. Poker come on you can come too" I said taking him up from the floor. He was still small so we enjoyed the time we could still hold him up in our arms. I guided her to our bedroom and covered her eyes with my hands

"Ok are you ready?" I asked her enthusiastically

"Please tell me you did not put lots of candles and rose petals all over the room" she teased me

"No!" I protest "We're not in a telenovela" I laughed

"Ok then I am ready!" She said impatient

I take my hands from her eyes and let her see the surprise. Above the bed I framed the picture I took of her in our little getaway. I printed it at larger scale so it was like natural size and it was my new favorite thing in my whole house

"No way!" She said covering her mouth "Ju..." she moved closer to the photo

"You like it? So now I can see you even when you're not home" I tell her hugging her from behind

"That's so nice. I love it" she said kissing me and Poker started to bark "I think he likes it too" she laughed

I lay in bed playing with Poker and waiting for Vito to come of the shower when my phone rang. I stretch to the nightstand to grab it and I look at the screen then I slide my finger on it to answer

"E aí pai?" I answered

"Oi Ney. How are you?" He asked friendly

"Nothing much. I was at home with Vito, we were thinking of watching a movie or something. How are you?"

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