Chapter 16

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Kempton the Demon Summoner
(Original date: 12/04/22)

Kempton drew the final line for the rune using his blood, taking a step back and looking at his work. "That should do it." He mumbled to himself. He sat in front of the summoning circle, taking out a scroll and rolling it out. He scanned through the text, stopping when he found the incantation he needed. He took a deep breath. There was no doubt that he was ready, though that didn't stop him from hesitating. He shook his head, raising his cut hand upwards, which still stung. He began to recite the incantation. "Li.. gula.. porta, abs.. con... ditum. Reg.. num abs.. conditum, tene.. bris et ca.. lig.. ine... ple.. num; ubi vita mortal.. is... de.. flu.. it et.. mors flu.. it." He stumbled on his words a bit, though he managed to finish the spell. He lowered his hand, which he hadn't even noticed was glowing slightly red before. He looked to the circle in front of him. Nothing seemed to have happened, to his disappointment. He let out an irritated sigh, standing up and walking to a bookcase where he placed a roll of bandages, beginning to wrap his cut hand. He tried to wrack his brain for what he had done wrong, though nothing came to mind. He did the circle correctly, along with the runes along the circle. He even said the correct spell, even if he struggled to pronounce a few of the words. 'Yet another failed ritual.' he thought. Necromancy was somehow the most difficult thing for him to do. Anytime he tried, he'd either summon a demon, a deity, or nothing at all. He didn't mind the former two, seeing as he did enjoy the company they gave him, even if it lasted only a minute or two. He was still for a moment, sighing again as he realized how lonely he felt. He quickly shook his head, quickly trying to end that train of thought. He didn't want to acknowledge or admit how alone he felt.

Kempton stared at his hand. Blood was already beginning to seep through, so he wrapped his hand up a bit more before a sharp, loud crackle sounded from the summoning circle. He jumped, quickly turning to look at the circle. The center was glowing brightly, though, disappointingly, there was nothing standing within it. Still curious, however, he walked back over to the summoning circle. When he looked into the center, he began to experience a slight sense of vertigo. Within the circle's center, there was no longer a flat surface, and instead a deep hole took its place. He looked at his scroll, looking for what he had just conjured. His heart sank as he read the spell that he had said earlier. According to the scroll, the spell translated to "A portal link, hidden from view. A hidden realm, full of darkness and fog; where mortal life fades and death flows on." To his dismay, he had summoned a portal to the realm of the dead instead of merely a demon or a god. He put the scroll away. He wasn't going to go through the portal, due to the fact he was both unsure if he'd be able to return and that he was supposed to be there. "... Maybe it will.. close on its own." He thought aloud, turning around and heading to the exit. His eyes widened as he felt himself get jerked back, black tendrils resembling a human hand covered his mouth, while another wrapped around his arm.

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