Chapter 2

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Another Dimension
(Original date: 1/19/22)

Aponn opened his eyes, squinting in the bright white light around him. He sat up, rubbing his head. He remembered what had happened moments earlier, having saved his friend from a portal that had appeared before them, of course at the cost of himself being teleported.

He stood up, looking around. He only saw the blank expanse of white void around him. He attempted to call out, but no sound came out. He tried again, but to no avail. He looked around frantically, panicking at the thought of losing his voice. He heard a creak behind him, causing him to whirl around to face a door. He slowly grabbed the handle, opening it to see the polar opposite of the white void he was in. Aponn knew it was his only option, so he stepped through into the darkness in front of him. He felt himself falling almost endlessly, feeling a sharp, cold air as he reached what he assumed was the bottom.

"Hey... do you think he's okay..?" A soft, muffled voice said after what felt like an eternity of silence "He hasn't been waking up at all.." "You sure he's alive?" Said another, sharper voice "He could be dead, you know." He felt a hand on his wrist, though he lacked the strength or consciousness to react. "Yeah... he still has a pulse.. plus he's breathing..."

"Still. What if he's another monster? He's so... pale.. and weird looking..." said the sharp voice again, followed by a metallic sound, similar to a sword being taken out of its sheath. "Chene! N-no..! We.. we should still help him..! Wh.. what if he can help u-us..?" There was silence for a moment or so before the conversation continued. "Fine. Let's get him somewhere safe." said Chene, the metal sound returning before Aponn felt himself being picked up. He heard the sound of two sets of footsteps, causing him to attempt to move. He was able to feel his arm lift the slightest amount, but he didn't have enough strength to move it any more, causing him to let it go limp.

After what felt like hours, he felt himself being set down on something soft, followed by the second pair of footsteps getting close to him. "... Chene.. what if he can't wake up..? Don't we have an antidote for that..?" Said the voice, now closer than it had been before. "Don't know. Check the medical room." Chene said, the sound of clicking metal coming from the direction of his voice. The second voice sighed. "Fine.." They said as he heard them walk away.

The second voice returned after a moment. "Found it.." They said, their footsteps stopping beside him. "'Kay." Chene said, and soon Aponn felt a sharp jolt of freezing cold air on his left arm, causing him to jolt awake. The second person, who had black, fluffy hair and vibrant orange eyes, jumped back, seemingly startled as Aponn slowly sat up. He looked around at his surroundings. "Where... am I...?" He asked, surprised he was able to speak again. Chene stood up, walking to Aponn and aiming his sword at him. "That info will not be given to you." He said sharply, his expression cold. The second person quickly faced Chene. "Chene..! You're gonna scare him..!" He said frantically.

Aponn's eyes widened, attempting to move away from the sword aimed at him. Chene moved his sword closer to Aponn, his expression turning to a glare. "Better to keep him scared than let him try anything, Penno." He said, causing Penno to give Aponn a dismayed look. "Now tell me. Human or monster." Chene said, taking another step towards Aponn. "H-human..!" Aponn stammered. "I.. I don't know a... anything a.. about this w-world I... I just g.. got here through a p-portal..!" Penno looked at Chene. "I told you he wasn't a monster!"

"Are you insinuating that you're from another dimension." Chene said, his sharp tone remaining as he seemingly ignored Penno. Aponn nodded, now too afraid to speak. Chene sighed, slowly lowering his sword to Aponn's relief. "Fine. But as soon you try anything funny, I'll kill you. Understand?" He said, causing Aponn to nod again. "Good." Chene said again, soon walking over to a desk and beginning to tinker with something. Penno watched Chene for a moment, his cheeks a bit red before he looked at Aponn. "I'm.. really sorry about him.. he's always on edge with strangers.." He said. "I.. it's f-fine.." Aponn replied, staring down.

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