Chapter 25: A life for a life

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Third Reich felt cold around him and when he opened his eyes he saw a wooden bench in front of him and everything around was all whiter than snow. Birds could be heard although none could be seen. He walked slowly to the bench in front of him and sat down. Suddenly he heard someone come from his right and sits down next to him. Reich risked a quick look and saw that the one next to him was a human. He had some wrinkles and looked quite exhausted and sad. "Hello!", the man greeted him friendly, as if they knew each other, but Reich was sure that he didn't know him. In order not to appear unfriendly, he also greeted him: "Hello?" "Let me guess, you have no idea who I am, do you?" "Exactly!"

"I'm a friend of yours, except I'm from another world where things didn't go as well as for you and there are no Countryhumans.", the man replied. The Countryhuman replied: "Somehow I don't believe you." "We both have the same problem, the Deep State. We were both brainwashed by them. Luckily you have a family that loves you more than anything and I don't." Reich interrupted him: "Can I ask you what I should call you?" "Call me whatever you want, since I don't even know what to call myself anymore." "Why is that?" Reich wanted to know. The old man replied: "My names don't feel right. My last name was unintentionally changed during the time I was brainwashed and even later my first name was completely changed.

You're also lucky that your Soviet Union isn't a monster!" "Why a monster?" The only answer came: "He was involved in my death in my world and killed a lot of people." "Nothing more specific?" "It's a different world, so I don't want to tell too much." "It's fine with me.", Third Reich said, leaning back. "You know, somehow I don't think I deserve a second life. I've screwed it up before, who's to say I won't trust the wrong people again." The old man said sadly. "There's no guarantee, but I don't think it will happen a second time, besides, you should don't worry about it because everyone deserves a second chance."

"Thank you!" "You don't have to thank me!" "Yes, I have to, since I've finally been able to get some things off my chest after all this time." He looked up at Third Reich and smiled a little before telling him: "While there's not much I can do, I'll try everything that you're reunited with your family." Reich didn't think much about it and gave him a friendly hug for a moment, the other hugged him too. After they let go, the old man said: "Unfortunately, I have to go now, but it was nice to meet you for a moment, Third Reich." He got up and left. "Goodbye!" "Maybe we'll see each other again one day!" Then he disappeared in the direction he had come from. Reich stayed behind and was no longer cold, but pleasantly warm. He lay down on the bench and slowly fell asleep.

Suddenly he woke up and saw his husband next to him, sleeping with his head on Reich's stomach. Reich lightly stroked his head because he had little strength and his hand was trembling. A smile spread across Third Reich's face. It felt like he hadn't filled it in years. Slowly Soviet Union opened his eyes and turned to him. Suddenly Soviet looked wide eyed at Reich, as if he couldn't believe who he was looking at. Soviet looked a bit different than he was used to as he looked older. Reich's partner began to cry and stuttered: "R-Reich? I-Is that really you?" He nodded at that, though he didn't really understand why his partner was reacting that way.

Soviet Union stood up and moved closer to his face before clutching his hospital gown and resting his forehead on his partner's. They both cried with joy and they kissed before looking deep into each other's eyes. A doctor came in and scolded Soviet Union: "Mr. USSR after two years you still don't get it, he won't wake up!" "T-Two y-years?", Third Reich interrupted him in a hoarse, raspy and stuttering voice. The doctor flinched when he heard Reich. "M-Mr. Reich!?" Soviet looked at the doctor and pulled his head back so he could see that Reich was really awake and alive. "I told you Reich was a natural at being my miracle!", Soviet stated before snuggling with his husband.

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