Chapter 15: The first victim

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"Good morning Reich!", heard Third Reich very close to his ear and slowly opened his eyes. "Good morning Soviet, did you sleep well?" "Yes, really good!" Reich now saw that he was lying on top of Soviet and who wrapped his arms around him. "Somehow I thought that yesterday was a dream." "A good dream?", asked Soviet Union. "A dream that is too good to be true!" After finishing the sentence, he spread his wings a little and with the help of them, pressed himself closer to Soviet.

Soviet Union gave him a kiss on the forehead, then Soviet got a kiss on the lips. They looked into each other's eyes smiling for a while before someone knocked on the door and Reich slid down from Soviet. "Come in!", asked Soviet, while Reich played as if he were still sleeping soundly. "Dad?", asked little Kazakhstan, who came into the room. "Son, what's going on?" "We wanted to call Estonia for a few days, but she doesn't answer. At some point she called us, but no one heard anything and then she quickly hung up again."

"That's extremely strange!" "I know and that's why we wanted to ask you what's going on!" "I'll take care of it in the evening! She just wants to play a prank on us again." "Hopefully!", was the last thing he said before leaving. "That's really strange, she always answers whoever's calling." "We'll find out what's going on, don't worry.", Reich reassured him and snuggled up against him. A little later everyone was sitting at the dining table and enjoying the meal. Afterwards they built a hiding place out of pillows and blankets, which in the end turned into a pillow fight.

Now it was only an hour before the sun set. Soviet Union and Third Reich got in the car and drove to the airport to fly where Estonia lives. When they drove to the house it was getting dark. When they got to Estonia's house, someone was standing on the doorstep. They parked and got out. "Who are you?", asked the young man on the doorstep. "I am Estonia's father and who are you?"

"Her pen pal, Finland." "Oh, you're that guy she's been raving about for months." "Yes, that's me! Do you know what's wrong with her? She hasn't written back for days!" "She doesn't answer the phone either!" "And she won't open the door!" "I'll try it!", Soviet Union sayed and went to the door. He knocked three times and asked: "Estonia, please open the door." Nothing happened. "Estonia?" Still nothing. "Estonia you will open the door immediately or you will have a broken door for some time!"

After the threat still nothing came and he pushed on the front door so that the lock broke off and the door swung open. "Estonia?", he shouted worriedly, but still nothing came. Reich saw that Soviet was very worried about his daughter. The three of them went further into the house, which had a somewhat foul stench. "Estonia?", asked Finland, who was now walking towards the living room. The two heard crying coming from Finland and went to him.

"Finland what is ...?", the big man saw what was going on and could no longer stand properly. Soviet Union fell on its knees, big tears slipped down his face. Third Reich came up to them a little later and saw what was going on. His heart began to beat wildly, he went back and pressed himself against the wall, he also felt cold inside. Soviet saw that, walked up to him quickly and took him in his arms. It took some time until the panic attack was over, but Reich felt very powerless afterwards.

"Do you have any idea who would do something like that?", Finland asked desperately. Soviet Union let go of Reich and went to Finland. There Estonia lay dead, in a large puddle of dried blood. Only then did Soviet Union notice a note on her corpse. He took the slip of paper and read what it said:

You got yourself into that Union of

Socialist Soviet Republics and Greater

German Reich. Who dosen't follow

will suffer. We know everything that has

happened and either you get rid of the

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