Chapter 20: Endless Torment

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Reich stood in a dark room, he didn't recognize anything there. Nothing but darkness, until suddenly, out of nowhere, he heard a scream. "Reich!", cried the voice of Soviet, whom he now also saw in the distance. He ran to Third Reich, but he was like frozen. "SOVIET!" he cried desperately and stretched out his right hand to him. Reich saw behind Soviet a red glow that was getting bigger and closer to Soviet. That red glow looked very menacing to him. It devoured Soviet while Third Reich could do nothing but watch. "NO!!!", he yelled desperately, but it was no use. It came up to Reich and stabbed him with something sharp, through his stomach and his back.

This finally woke Reich up, but the pain remained, except that his head hurt as well. He was lying on a cold floor where you couldn't see the material. Third Reich looked around the big hall before looking down at himself and quickly covering himself with his wings as he was not wearing any clothing. "You don't have to be so shy, we've seen you before!", came echoing from all sides of the room. This only made him hide even more. "Nobody's going to come to your rescue! Nobody!" "But Soviet will come and finish you off!" "Good joke! Neither he nor anyone else will find you!"

Strong pains came again and he doubled over in pain before asking: "Why am I even here?" "You know why! We're going to take your most important thing right now!" Reich was now sitting with his back against the wall, looking down at his stomach and then back to the other side of the room. "Exactly!" Third Reich was panicking more and more. They would take the child from him and who knows what the Deep's would do to his child. Soviet had convinced him for a month that he should look forward to the child. It was his flesh and blood, the child was his treasure and they wanted to take it away, there was no way he would let that happen. He stood up again.

The pain came again, but it didn't stop him, but motivated him more to look for an exit. Reich hammered several times against the two doors in this room, it didn't help, but at least he didn't feel the pain that much. After about half an hour he gave up and curled up in one of the corners. There was nothing but waiting. All he wished for right now was Soviet Union. "Soviet!", he roared at the top of his lungs and began to sob. The pains grew stronger and came at shorter and shorter intervals. "Neither he nor anyone else will come to your rescue!" "Shut up!" Reich couldn't listen anymore, deep down he knew Soviet Union was already on his way to him.

Reich was already imagining Soviet coming and saving him. Slowly Reich stopped sobbing and became more and more relaxed. The worst thing at that moment would be fear, so he thought back to so many beautiful moments. < Soviet where are you? Please help me and our child. > An hour and a half passed before it really hurt beyond belief. Tears flowed, but he persevered. He puffed and puffed, he had to stay strong and keep fighting. Suddenly the door on the other side slammed open and America walked in, as soon as he saw Third Reich he shouted to Soviet that he had found him. Soviet Union walked into the room and looked at him wide eyed before running over and hugging him. "How are you?" Reich groaned heavily and Soviet understood.

The hug quickly became lighter. "It's very tiring.", gasped Third Reich. After the hug, Soviet Union put his hands on Reich's cheeks and wiped away the tears. After taking his hand away, he looked deep into Reich's eyes. Third Reich was doing a lot better since he was with him. Suddenly UK stormed in: "USSR we need your help!" "How far are you?", Soviet asked Reich. "Far, now go and help them! I get along. When I need you, I'll call you!" "But I can't just go and abandon you!" "You're not abandoning me, you're just helping them save me. So please help them, I'll be fine for now." Soviet kissed him before he stormed out.

It took a few minutes, then Reich knew instinctively what he had to do. "America?!" "Yes?!" "Where's a sickroom?" He raised his glasses a bit and saw it. "Down the hall! The third door on the right if you go left!" "Thank you!" "Should I get Soviet?" "Yes!" America went back into the hall and called him over, while Reich slowly made his way to the room. He kept pausing and wished he had left earlier. At some point he had reached the room, he sat exhausted on the cold, hard floor. He struggled one last time up and took a fluffy blanket, a towel and more from the cupboards.

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