Part 2

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Two people siting alone in Lotus cafe on Valentine Day. It does seems off for the world but for them it was a way to deal with their own loss.

Vedant asks nervously "Hi Vedant here. Is anyone coming to accompany you ? Do you mind if I sit? I do not want to be alone today."

"Hi Vedant,He can't come. He will never be able to come. You can sit but I wanted to be alone.", vedika replies.

Vedant: Sure no problem. I will not disturb you. I will just sit here, I do not want to be alone today. I hope that's okay.

Vedika: okay.I am Vedika.

Vedant collects his belongings from his table and comes to vedika's table and sits opposite to her.

Vedant: Do you want coffee? I am ordering for myself.

Vedika: Yes please. Black coffee. Thanks. The waiter comes with coffee and they drink coffee silently.

Vedant: Do you want to talk? Anything, it shouldn't be about our self or about today. It just that this silence is killing now.

Vedika: Yeah silence speaks a lot. There is nothing left in my life to tell or discuss.

Vedant: Why do you say it ?

Vedika: I had everything which anyone wished for. Loving family, loving fiancee, job everything. Now I am just left with nothing. My fiance is no more. I lost him in a tragic car accident.

Vedant: Ohh. so why did you came to cafe? Was it your place to go ?

Vedika: Yes, it was our place. I did not know what to today, so came here. But it is really difficult to live without him. This place has all his memories.

Vedant: At least you has his memories to live with. And you have your family. I do not have anyone.

Vedika: What do you mean by you do not have anyone? What about your family, friends or girlfriend.

Vedant: My parents died in a car accident when I was 12 years. So I do not remember much. Relatives are there but they are all after dad's property. Girlfriend who I was with for 5 years left me and got married to her family choice. Rahul Sharma is my best friend but today he is busy with his girlfriend.

Vedika: Ohh. we both loss someone to car accidents. If you don't mind, may I ask why your girlfriend left?

Vedant: Her parents were against our relationship as I was from different caste and orphan.

Vedika: Really? Why did you came to this cafe? Was it your place too?

Vedant: yes. No it wasn't our place. But me and my parents used to come here for celebration. Vedika: Nice. So do you miss them? How do you deal with it?

Vedant: Yes, I miss them terribly. I haven't dealt with their loss yet, still dealing. You know, today I am missing them a lot. Today was their marriage anniversary.

Vedika: okay. I am also missing Prateek a lot today. 3 years ago, he proposed me on 14th Feb. We were childhood friends and then became best friend and then couple. Journey was good but he left me here. I do not what to do now.

Vedant: Same here. I don't know what to do. But I have to live a life because I promised mom that. You are lucky to have a family who is there with you in your loss.

Vedika: That's true. But surprisingly, I have shared to anybody from last 2 months which I have shared with you.

Vedant: There are people saying strangers are the best people to share our problems with. They listens and do not judge. Also we are bounded by loneliness and loss of our loved one.

Vedika: That's 100% true. I feel so light now after talking to you. Vedant: Same here. It was my pleasure spending this day with you. Thanks for allowing me seat here.

Vedika: Pleasure is all mine. It's late, I will take your leave now.

Vedant: okay bye. If it is in our destiny, we will meet in future.

Vedika: Bye. Take Care.

Both left the cafe with smiles on their faces.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2023 ⏰

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