The Cafe

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The Cafe

By LoveDivya123


Two people seating alone in couples cafe called Lotus Cafe on Valentine Day. Two people, seating alone and drinking coffee with tears in their eyes.

Vedant doesn't want to live like this - alone, without family or someone to love or being loved by someone. 

He has everything still he feels empty inside. But he has to leave just because he has promised his mom to live happily. Currently he is living his life but happiness is not there.

Vedika doesn't know how to move on in her life. She has lost her fiancee in tragic accident. Her world has just stopped with no other roads to lead. She is just living for her family.

How these two strangers will meet and they will help each other in life.

Join us in the Vedant and Vedika journey in finding true love who are bonded by loss.

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