
102 7 2

Jack Gilinsky

"Alright assholes move!" Mercury screamed as me her and Carter entered the house

"well damn" Carter said as we walked in

"calm down Mercury" Nash said

She glared at him and he put his hands up in defense

"okay the doctor said you two need rest so go get rest" Mercury said looking between me and carter

we started to walk towards the stairs when we got stopped

"where you going give me your phones idiots" she snapped

"why?" Carter asked

"Maggie's gonna have your phone Carter because rest means sleep not oh let me go tweet on twitter or do other things on my phone" Mercury smiled taking Carter's phone and tossing it to Maggie

I smiled at Mercury

"I love you baby girl" I smiled

"I love you to now give me your phone Gilinsky" she smiled

"damn it" I mumbled as I handed her my phone and walked to my room

a few hours later

I shot up from my bed and winced from the pain in my right shoulder. I heard screaming and yelling.

I ran downstairs and saw...

hey guys please go check out my new story called "Rooftops" remember

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for an update! thanks lovelies

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