It's Jungkook. It's indeed him. Who was completely wrapped in a black t-shirt with black cargo pants and a black bucket hat to cover his face. But Taehyung knows him more than anyone else. He can find him even in a room with millions of people.

Taehyung's breath hitched. He really saw Jungkook, with his own eyes. The man that he's been in love with for 9 years was now standing in front of his eyes, buying flowers in a flower shop with a smile. Even tho the elder wearing a mask Taehyung can still tell a hundred percent that the idol was smiling.

Taehyung can't believe what's happening around him. He didn't see the people walking around him. The busy street around him. Everything became blurry except Jungkook. He didn't notice people's laughter, he didn't notice that he was standing in the middle of the road his only attention is on the elder who turned around and locked eyes with him.

Taehyung forgot how to breathe. Taehyung eyebrows frowned when he saw Jungkook waving at him with a panicked face.

What does he mean? Taehyung doesn't know. Taehyung doesn't want to know. All he knows is Jungkook. Jungkook. Jungkook, who was now starting to run in his direction, dropping the bouquet.

A mild 'watch out' was heard in Taehyung's ears. Before he could react he was thrown into the air. He was flying. Is this a dream? Soon his body landed on the road, scraped until his skin peels off. His head hurts. His body felt numb.

Taehyung's vision became blurry. He can't breathe properly. He can smell his blood, he can see that his whole body was covered in his blood. He knows that he won't make it.

He knows that it's his time. A lonely tear left his eyes. He huffed to get enough air but all went in vain. He can see that Jungkook was kneeling beside him, patting his cheeks to wake him up but he can't do anything other than inhale oxygen as much as he can to extend this moment. The moment to stay beside Jungkook.

Jungkook was asking him not to close his eyes, he wishes too. But his body is giving up on him, he can feel that. He wants to say a lot of things to the elder, a lot about himself and his love for the idol but all he could do is just stare at him. His eyes filled with tears, he can't do this anymore. It hurts him, it hurts him so much to bear the pain.

He closed his eyes, but a pat on his cheeks made him open again. Taehyung slowly raised his hands and his pinky finger held the idol's pinky finger. His eyes never left the man who was getting panicky with every passing minute to save his life. But Taehyung knows that he won't make it. So he did what his heart wanted.

Taehyung brings their linked finger against his chest and held them close. He took a long breath.

I wish us to be born as normal humans in the next life Jungkook. Not as an idol and a fan but as just normal humans who will fall in love with each other.

Taehyung took his last breath. His lips formed a small smile. He's going to die in the presence of his love. Slowly his eyes lost their motion, and his chest which went up and down to inhale oxygen stopped from its movement. The tightness around Jungkook's pinky losses. Taehyung can no more feel any pain. His vision went completely blank.

Taehyung's soul slowly left his body. And his last wish mixed with nature.


"I love rain", a man at the age of 23 whispered looking at the sky. His pink lips held a beautiful boxy smile. He held the rose bouquet closer to his chest as he walk past the zebra crossing. But he didn't notice that one of the roses fell on the road as he held his head up looking at the sky.

But the owner of the black Toyota Corolla did. He stopped his car in the middle and his veiny hand picked that rose as he saw the man holding a bouquet crossing the road. He walked towards him.

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