Chapter 15

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Little info:
This chapter contains Lemon🍋
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

P.S: This is my first Lemon, so pls don't be too harsh😂🥲


The words echoed through Akaashi's head.

I am your mother.

No, his mother was dead.

"Let go of me." Akaashi took her hand from his shoulder. "My mother is dead."

Her eyes widened. "Your father put that in your head, didn't he?!"

"Leave me alone. I don't know you, and I don't know what you want from me."

He turned to leave as she stopped in front of him and thrust a note into his hand. "At least call me when you're ready to talk."

Akaashi didn't look at her as he took the note, put it in his jacket pocket and left the woman standing there.

He had been quiet the whole bus ride.
Bokuto had often tried to talk to him, but his thoughts kept drifting.

His father was a rotten person, but would he actually hide from him that his mother was still alive?
Well, somehow he trusted him to do it.
But still, why was she suddenly back?
Why hadn't she come to him ten years ago?

"I told you this was a total waste of time."
His father was flicking through the newspaper, his reading glasses sitting sternly on his nose, somehow making him look even grimmer than usual.

Akaashi sat on the old couch chair his father had ordered him to sit on, playing around with the ribbon of his jumper.
Anyone else would probably have asked him who this woman was, but Akaashi just knew that asking him would land him back in that awful cubbyhole.

When he was allowed to go to his room, he dug the note out of his pocket.

Please call, it said under the number.

His alarm clock rang and, completely overtired, he switched it off.
Yawning, he rubbed his eyes, and when they opened again, he was startled to see his father standing in front of him.

"I'm driving you to school today," he grumbled. "So you'd better be ready quickly."
Akaashi nodded.

There was dead silence in the car.

Akaashi startled for a moment. "Yes?"
"Is there something you're not telling me?"
He immediately shook his head. "No."
"Oh yeah?"

Somehow Akaashi had the uneasy feeling that his father had found out about Bokuto.

"What is this boy you keep seeing?"
His mind searched for excuses, but the number of questions swirling around about his life outnumbered these.

"It's just a friend."
"Oh, so why do you meet so often?"

Akaashi clenched his hand into a fist.


"What happened to Mom?" he blurted out unintentionally.
His father immediately gave him a deadly look. "I told you not to talk about it!"
"She's not dead, is she?!"
He released his right hand from the steering wheel and slapped Akaashi across the face.

"I want to know what happened, I have a fucking right to know!"
"You don't!" His father stopped.
They had arrived at the school.

"You're home at eighteen sharp, understand?! And you don't say another word about this!"

Akaashi's hand shook - with anger.
"No," he said.
His father looked at him like the biggest scum of the earth.

Akaashi got out, walked on to the school. There weren't that many there yet.
He felt a firm grip from behind.
His father slammed him against the steel of the entrance arch.
"Don't you dare be so fucking cheeky!" He turned him around and punched him in the face, then again.
"You fucking-"

The reason that keeps me alive - BokuAka [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now