In other words, I'm really happy with my life at the moment.

Right now, I'm eating dinner with my mom and dad in the living room of our house. We lived in a peaceful neighborhood. There were plenty of parks nearby, as well as a train station that was only few minutes away. Although I rarely take the train, having a train station nearby was a great convenience. I usually take the bike wherever I go, especially if it's a short distance, but this will change starting tomorrow. That is because the school I'm going to, ANHS, had its own train station, which made going there extremely convenient for me. I only had to walk a few minutes, take any train that heads in the direction of ANHS, and that was that.

"Are you ready for tomorrow, Kiyo?" my mom asked me, "Did you prepare your bag? Is your uniform clean?"

"Mika, I think he's old enough to take care of himself," my dad reassured her as he chuckled.

"Hey, don't say that! I don't want to see my little Kiyo grow up so fast!"

"Don't worry Mom, I'm all prepared for the big day tomorrow," I also reassured her as I nodded confidently.

"Also, it's only the first day," I added, "There isn't much I can prepare for. I just hope I'm in the same class as my friends."

"Well, even if you're not with them, you could always meet them during lunch, or even make new friends," Dad said. He was also a cool and collected person, I admired that about him.

"I hope you're in the same class as Arisu-chan!" Mom cried out.

The Ayanokoji family and the Sakayanagi family were close. After all, Arisu's dad is a great friend of mine, and her mom gets along really well with mine. It wasn't rare for them to come over or for us to go to their house for dinner.

"Speaking of Arisu-chan, her dad is the chairman of the school, so he should know the class arrangements, perhaps you can ask her if he told her the classes," Dad joked.

"I doubt he would tell her that though, he takes his work seriously and is a real professional," he added.

"By the way, do you need me to make your lunch tomorrow, Kiyo?" Mom asked me.

"There's no need, Mom, it's only the first day, like I said. It will only be ceremonies and an hour or two of homeroom. The day will end around noon. That being said, I might go eat lunch with some friends after, I'll let you know."

"No worries, your father and I will only comeback in the late afternoon as usual anyway, so do as you wish."

We continued chatting and slowly finished eating the delicious dinner my mom prepared. We then watched TV for a bit. Well, it was only my parents who were watching TV. I was playing around with my phone while they watched the news channel. I saw that I had received few messages from the boys.



Anyone wanna game tonight? At like 8:15 ish?
7:47PM [Eiichiro]

I'm down
7:49 PM [Shiro]

Count me in
7:50 PM [Takuya]

Nice, what about you Kiyo? Please say yes
7:52 PM [Eiichiro]

I guess I have to carry you guys again
I'm jumping on the game after I take my shower
8:01 PM [You]

8:02 PM [Shiro]

8:03 PM [Takuya]

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