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I'm done writing this and can't keep it to myself, thus updating it already.

Hope you'll like it✨


Anushka's pov:

'Have you got married?

'Ma'am is it true that you are pregnant with Ranbir's child?'

'Sir, did you steal her from Virat like you did with your other girlfriends?'

We were swarmed by the paps who crossed the line of humanity with all the pathetic questions they asked us.

Unaware of what has suddenly gotten into them, we climbed into his car and that's when his driver revealed what has been happening since the last day.

'No this can't be true, how can the media stoop so low.' tears welled up in my eyes and Ranbir pressed my palms, trying to comfort me.

'Nush, relax. They are just assholes. You know your family is gonna trust you. Just call them and explain to them what has exactly happened.' he said handing me his driver's phone.

I called my parents, who were very worried for me which ended as soon as I explained to them what exactly happened.

'Beta, Virat called me to ask about you. Maybe you should call him.' mumma told me hesitantly before I cut the phone call.

Oh no, Virat had definitely seen the news by now. What if he believes them?

'I need to meet Virat.' I said.

'The team is in banglore ma'am.' the driver informed and I asked him to take a u turn and drop me at the airport.

Ignoring all the paps and breaking a camera to vent my frustration, I walked into the airport and booked a ticket to Bangalore. I  had to wait for three hours until it was time for me to board.

I tried calling him but he didn't attend my calls. That's understandable cause he never attends calls from unknown numbers and the phone that was with me was Ranbir's driver's spare phone.

As soon as I landed at Banglore's  airport, the paps were present there too.  And it was moments like that, that made me want to give up being a celebrity and shift to somewhere so far where no one knew me.

It then struck me that I remember Rits number by heart. I cursed my brain for working so slow and called her.


'Rits, it's me Nush.' I told her.

'Nush, why aren't you attending calls? We are all so worried for you. What's happening? Are you alright?' I could sense the panic in her tone.

'Yes I'm alright. Listen, I'm in Banglore-'

'Yeah I know that. I've seen it in the news. Are you coming to meet us?' she asked.

'Yes, I want to talk to Vi. Also how is he taking this whole mess?'

'Ever since he saw the news, he locked himself in his room. Mahi bhai suggested that it would be better for him to be left alone for some time.' she said.

'I did nothing wrong Rits. I want him to know that. I love him, and can't afford to lose him, that too due to some false news.' I confessed.

'Are you mad? He'll never doubt you. Also don't come out of the airport. We'll come to pick you up.' she said and hung up.

I stayed in the lobby, trying my best to not freak out. After half an hour Rits called me and I lifted it in one ring.

'Are you here?' I asked.

'Yes, I, Ro and Mahi Bhai have come. You can come out of the lobby and towards the exit.' she said and that brought so much relief to me.

I walked out and spotted them and quickly rushed to them.

'Ma'am are you here to meet Virat Kohli?'

'Ma'am what happened in the hotel room?'

I closed my eyes and tried to not pay any attention to their questions but they stung me straight in my heart.

'What the fuck did you just say?' I've heard Mahi Bhai cussing for the first time.

He snatched the camera from the journalist's hand and smashed it on the ground.

'If we see one more stupid article coming out on her, I swear that will be the end of your careers.' Ro threatened them.

'Delete all the articles and videos you've posted about this incident before tonight. If not, it's gonna be the media against ICT and you know who's powerful.' Mahi Bhai warned them and that brought chills in my spine.

'Why are you so bothered about her?' someone still had the audacity to ask.

'Because she is one of us. She's Virat Kohli's girlfriend, our sister and the backbone of ICT like the rest of the WAG's and our families. And we will not tolerate any shit against our family.' Ro told them.

Rits took me to the car while the two of them returned back after twenty minutes.

'The media matter is all sorted out. All the posts and articles will be deleted, not just by those who are here but every single one. Don't worry about it.' Mahi Bhai said softly as he sat beside me in the back seat while Rits sat next to Ro who was driving. 

'And don't even think about how you'll convince Vi cause he trusts you and loves you. So don't worry about anything. You don't even need to explain anything to him. The fact that you've travelled this far because he didn't attend your phone calls is enough to prove how much he matters to you and that is enough for him.' Ro said looking at me from the driver's mirror.

'Why did you two fight with the paps for me?' my voice trembled with overwhelmed emotions.

'Because like we said earlier, you are our family and this is how we react when someone does anything against our family.' Mahi Bhai ran his fingers through my hair with an comforting smile on his face.

I moved closer to him and laid my head on his shoulder, trying to find some peace admist all the choas in my head.

'It's going to be alright, you two will be together very soon.' those words from Ro were the last thing I heard before I dozed off.


Maybe you guys would have wanted Vi to be the one speaking with the paps, but for me it had to be the two of them so I've written it this way.

Hope you understand.

Also we are just one chapter away from the end🥹

I'll update that by tonight ( 99.9%)

Stay safe and happy ❤️

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