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'No I don't wanna hear anything.' Vi closed his ears as soon as he saw Ro open his mouth to speak.

'Even I'm not gonna say anything to you. I'm here to inform you that I won't be sleeping in this room for a few days.' Ro stated while he began packing his bags.

'Are you seriously gonna leave me and go just because I broke up with her. And I thought you loved me more than anyone else. Fine go away. Even I don't wanna talk-'

'Can you please shut your mouth, drama queen, I am sharing room with Ritsy, now that she's here. Now is this info enough or should I even elaborate on what we'll be doing by sharing rooms?'

'Ew that's disgusting.'

'I know but your dumb brain don't process information fast so I'm forced to give you excess info.' Ro stated and resumed packing his stuff.

Ro left after giving Vi a quick hug and as soon as the door was shut, Vi began missing him.

He decided to spend some time with his Mahi Bhai and made way to his room.

'I love you.' Mahi Bhai was kissing the screen of his phone, as if it was his wife.

Hlooked in embarrassment at the door when Vi swung it open.

He was talking on phone with his wife and obviously wasn't someone to publicly show his love.

That too when those from ICT are your teammates, who'd leave no stone unturned to tease it, it becomes even tougher.

'Sorry bhai, I didn't mean to interrupt. Say hai to bhabhi.' said Vi and closed the door and left.

He dropped his shoulders in disappointment and walked back to his room. Everyone were busy spending time with their partners unlike him.

'Do you want me to fall down?'

'I have no place. How much space do you wanna occupy?'

'Don't irritate me. Get out of my room.'

'Let me remind you, this is not your room, its-'

'My room.' Vi finished Harry's sentance, who along with Rahul have occupied his bed by then. 

'Right. So you don't get the right to tell me to get out.' Harry told Rahul. 

'But I do, right? I want some peace, which means I want you two to go to your respective rooms.' declared Vi.

'Why am I not receiving the cold air? Decrese the AC temperature to 18.' Harry told Rahul.

'No, anything less than 24° is gonna lead to the release of chloro fluro carbons which damage the ozone layer. So either adjust to this or get out.' Rahul stated calmly.

'What the heck are you blabbering? Atleast let me sit closer to the AC. ' Harry asked Rahul to switch places on the bed.

'Vi where is the TV remote?' Rahul asked Vi.

'In the shelf next to you.' after making peace with the fact that his personal space has been evaded, Vi got seated next to Rahul, to watch some film with them.

After switching from one app to the other, one film to the other, Harry had finally found the film to watch.

'Band baaja baaraat, it is.' he declared.

'Wait is this all your drama to make me talk about her?' Vi raised his eyes in suspicion.

'We don't give an eff about it.' stated Harry.

Rahul nugded him to reprimand him about his behaviour.

'I don't want to watch this film.' Vi said, hoping them would listen.

He was trying to forget her, how will he be able to succeed if someone keeps reminding him about her every other minute.

'Then don't.' said Rahul.

'You two are being so mean. Do you-'

Harry raised the volume, hinting Vi that they were in no mood to listen to him.

'Nobody loves me.' Vi mumbled under his breath and began sulking silently about the same.

'Aww bhabhi looks so cute.' Harry said excitedly at her introduction.

'She's no longer your bhabhi.' Vi was quick to correct him.

'You have a disorder that is, you think everything that happens on this planet is about you. She is our bhabhi.' Harry stated after pausing the film, as he didn't want to miss even a minute of it.

'I agree with you. Now let's continue watching.' Rahul stated and Vi immediately wanted to whine about how he was Rah's favourite and that it was clear backstabbing but he knew it's gonna make no difference to them at the moment and decided to stay quiet.

With great effort he averted his eyes to stop looking at her which will inturn lead to thinking about her, as if he wasn't doing it already.

'Can't you two kiss already?' Rahul expressed during the scene where Anushka and Ranveer  were expressing how much they missed each other.

Vi glared at him for his statement but didn't let anything out.

And ofcourse they kissed each other and Vi wanted to punch the wall. He had watched her romantic scenes with other actors so many times in the past but nothing affected him as he knew that she belonged to him and it was only him that she'd romance with her true heart. But things were different then.

'Yayy!' clapped Harry, completely immersed in the film that he failed to notice the object that has hit him on his shoulder.

'Ouch.' he shrieked in pain ( or drama) as he violently rub his shoulder.

'What was that?' Rahul asked Vi.

'Sorry, it was by mistake.' Vi replied nonchalantly.

'No, it was intentional.' Rahul and Harry had concluded in unison.

'You've hit me because I cheered when Anushka and Ranveer kissed. You are jealous.' accused Harry.

'No, that's not right at all. I don't care about her.' lied Vi as if anyone would believe that.

'Wait until everyone hears about this.' Harry jumped out of the bed and sprang towards the exit.

'No one, I mean no one hears about this or else you'll be running 5 rounds extra in the morning, tomorrow.' Vi threatened him.

'You are not the captain and yes everyone is gonna hear about this.' Rahul informed him and joined Harry.

'My kiddo Rah, you too?' Vi decided to blackmail Rah with his brahmastra, the puppy eyes, which unfortunately didn't work as those two have already left.


I think I'm back writing ICT fictions, I seriously am not saying it with certainty cuz my brain doesn't stay fixed to anything.

But yeah, I'm planning to write this one, then "His first kiddo" ( which will be a short story of 3-4 chapters), finish time travel.

I think these three will be done for sure ( surer than any other story cuz the story is fully planned in my head and also cuz they are short.)

I really hope I'm back to writing and reading ICT fictions 😭

I miss those days so much when I'd always be writing some ICT fiction and keep updating regularly.

I miss waiting for your comments with such enthusiasm.

ICT fictions on watty ( both writing and reading) were such a constant in my life and I truly miss that😭

Ok enough of this emotional drama now, I'll go study now and see y'all soon ( hopefully tomorrow)

Also, who are your top ICT writers?
(No this is an indirect way of asking you to praise me or something. I genuinely wanna know and I swear I won't be offended if I won't find my name in your list).

Stay safe and happy ❤️✨

Virushka: Not the endOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora