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Here's the next update as promised ✨

Next chapter after 40 comments ( only two are left n I'll finish writing both of them today.)

Happy reading 🤍


'So are you gonna talk to her or just stand here staring at her?' Mahi Bhai asked me as he offered me a plate with a piece of cake and chips.

'Bhai, I wasn't staring at her. I was looking at bhabhi.' I knew that they'd not believe me but atleast I didn't want to openly accept it. 

'Also why did you change your dress in the last minute. That too to red?' Ro asked.

'It was just a coincidence. You told me to change so I've looked in my closet and found this, that's it.' I lied again.

'Now tell us the truth ' he said.

'That's the truth.' I said firmly.

'If you want to keep secrets from us as well it's fine.' Mahi Bhai said playfully.

'Ok, I knew she was gonna wear that dress as she bought it when I was with her. She told me that it's for her birthday.' I confessed.

'Aww, lover boy.' Ro pinched my cheeks.

'Shut up, we're not gonna talk about it anymore. And if I listen anyone teasing me about this, I won't talk to both of you.' I threatened them and walked away from them.

I looked around for her but she was no where to be found.

'Where is she?' I asked Ro, hesitantly.

'Do you wanna know that to just stare at her or do you want to talk to her?' he asked.

'I don't know Ro. I know I was selfish, even now I don't know if things will ever get back to normal between us, even from my side. I don't know what I truly feel about all this and what I expect from her now. I don't know if she still sees me the same way as she used to when we were together. I don't know anything. All I know is I miss her.' I confessed. And the moment I did it, I felt relieved as if a thousand kilo load has been lifted from my back.

'What you did was definitely wrong, but you two should sit and sort it out.' he suggested.

'Mahi Bhai, have you seen Nush?' he asked Mahi Bhai who was talking to someone on his phone.

'I think she left.' he said and returned to his phone call.

Unsure about what I was doing, I ran to the exit, hoping I could find her there.

I didn't know what I'll be doing if I will find her, but that didn't stop me from seeking her.

I did find her there, getting into the car, with Ranbir.


One month later:

'I'm really in the happiest phase of my life in terms the film opportunities I'm getting and the people I'm meeting. I just hope I'll be able to reach your expectations.'

It's become a routine for me to watch her interviews or stalk her on Instagram each time I missed her.

She was definitely happy without me and she deserves to be happy. She deserves to be with someone who doesn't put himself above their relation, like I did.

'Vi, keep your phone aside and sleep. What are you watching by the way?' before Ro could peep into my phone I've closed the app.

'Nothing, I was listening to some songs.' I said removing the air pods and putting them back into the box.

I didn't want him to know that I still haven't moved on from her, though I doubt that they all are aware of it.

'Good night.' he said pulling up the comforter above his face.

'Good night Ro.'

The next morning, I've woken up before him, as usual and went straight to the gym, leaving my phone in charging in my room.

Usually the boys would start coming in one by one by the time I'd be done with half of my workout. But that day surprisingly, I was all alone.

Aftee finishing my workout I've walked back to our floor and saw them all gathered at a place murmuring about something.

'What if Vi sees this?' asked Bhuvi.

'What is it?' I asked and they looked at me in shock, with eerie of silence that has occupied the room.

'What's wrong?' I asked, inching closer.

'No, it's nothing. Also I'm hungry, let's go have breakfast.' Ro said placing his arm around my shoulder.

'Don't divert the topic. Tell me what's going on.' I told them sternly.

Understanding that I won't be getting any answers from them, I snatched the phone from jassi's hand.

'Bollywood actors Ranbir Kapoor and Anushka Sharma were spotted spending the night together in a five star hotel last night. Here's the footage of them leaving the room.'

A video was attached below this in the article with the thumbnail of Ranbir and Nush leaving the room together.

This is fake, I thought. But if it was fake why would the boys be so worried about it? But no, Nush would never do such thing.

And just because they were in the room together doesn't mean something has happened between them.

I have to talk to her, not to question her but to comfort her.

I went into my room and grabbed my phone to call her. But it said her's was switched off. I remembered her calling me from his phone one day to pick her up from the set.

I scrolled down my call logs and found an unknown number three months ago with the timing matching perfectly. This must be his!

I dialled his number and his phone was switched off too. Maybe they've switched off their phones to avoid attending calls.

My Google feed was filled with the same stupid news.

Anushka Sharma and Ranbir Kapoor have landed in India. Here's their first public appearance as a couple.

I clicked on the article, not because I being the last sentence but to see if they've actually landed in India.

Anushka Sharma, who was dating Virat Kohli until a month ago has confirmed that Ranbir Kapoor is her new boyfriend. Is it because Virat Kohli failed to perform well in the last series and that Ranbir had two back to back hits?

Here's the video of them walking out of the airport hand in hand, looking surprised with the paparazzi that surrounded them.

If I knew who wrote that, I would have choked them to death myself.

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