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I am so sorry! I am so sick and my husband left work to take me to the DR around 10 AMish. I got home and said, "I'm going to lay down for an hour or so before I work on my writing." When I went to bed, it was day time. When I woke up, it is 4 AM in the morning! I must've needed the rest, but lord knows I hate when I lose track of time like that. Makes me feel weird LOL  

The dimly lit living room set the tone for their evening. Agatha blinked slowly as her body seemed to be relaxing and she took the glass of wine Kurtura handed her.

"Careful, this may be stronger than what you are used to on Earth." Kurtura had only poured her a little, but still, he was worried. The last thing he wanted was for Agatha to think he purposely poured enough to get her drunk.

Agatha took a tiny sip of the sweet-tasting stuff. She looked at the burgundy-colored liquid and swirled it around. "I won't drink too much." She shook her head with a chuckle. "Just in case Emily wants to nurse some during the night or in the morning. On Earth it's not so strong, so by morning it is usually out of our system."

Kurtura looked over at Agatha. She sat on one end of the couch, one foot tucked underneath, the other foot stuck out, moving just a little. Her toes had once been painted, but now only flecks of pink remained. She looked so incredibly cozy and he wanted nothing more than to cuddle up next to the meaty female and rest his head on her. He shivered as he thought about her hand running through his hair. Instead, he sat the bottle of wine down on the side table and went to the other side of the L-shaped couch. He moved a couple of Earth vehicles, books, and some blocks to the floor.

"I'm sorry," Agatha said, setting her glass down, "I should have picked up. Here let me-.."

Kurtura waved her off. "Please, do not worry about it." I actually love it. It makes me feel a way I've never felt before. Almost as if I were their father...

"I haven't really done anything today." Agatha felt guilt wash over her as Kurtura sat down. He made a face as if in pain and reached behind him, pulling yet another car from the couch. The kind alien man just smiled at her as if it didn't truly bother him. It was so stupid of her to not have picked up the toys and wiped down the house right after the kids had gone to bed. All she felt like she did today was rest and she didn't need rest, did she?

He placed the Earth vehicle that had poked him in the rear end with the others and smiled at Agatha. She had diverted her eyes to the glass of wine she had picked back up from the side table. Her finger traced the rim. Kurtura could see Agatha getting incredibly lost in her mind. She had a look of regret on her face. Over toys? "Agatha," he said her name softly, "do I need to remind you that you did the most important job today?"

Agatha looked up at him.

"I... I actually enjoy these toys all over the place." Kurtura admitted, raising his shoulders. This time he looked down at his bigger glass of wine. "I never thought my home would ever be blessed with such."

Agatha took a breath. "You like having the kids here now, but what about when Max decides to back talk to you? Or Emily throws a huge tantrum that lasts forever? Or when they both get to be moody teenagers?" She half-heartedly chuckled. "I love being a mom and I chose to do it, but..." She trailed off thinking for a moment. "I'm not sure you know what you're getting into. They are human. I don't know what Trellox kids are like."

"We keep the teenagers busy with work. Keeps them out of trouble, most days." Kurtura took a gulp of wine. Thinking of the last time he had to sort out the trouble one young male brought to the father of a young female. It was a headache but he was willing to do it again and again if he had to. He wanted to deal with the life Max and Emily would bring with them. "The young ones, such as Max and Emily, go to their lessons." He tipped his glass to Agatha. "Unfortunately, that is all I know."

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