chapter 1. prologue

Start from the beginning

"Well, would you look at that~" a voice cooed. The weather was harsh, thunder booming and lightning flashing every now and then as the rain poured down on them while the sea crashed waves upon waves on their ship. However, the bow of the ship had crashed into something that caused them to momentarily stop in their tracks, it was at this moment he would have wished that they crossed paths with the sea kings or any other sea monster, but that wasn't the case for now. A giant shadow loomed over the ship that they would have mistaken for a mountain any other day but a pair of piercing gold eyes stared down at them, lightning flashed again and revealed the face of that monster "It seems another group of fleas have gotten in our way again."

"What should we do?" that sadistic grin stretched across her face followed by a sinister giggle.

"Heh, what we do best." the ship swayed as the water parted when she lifted her foot, on those on deck felt their hearts drop into their stomachs when the bottom of her boot hovered above them "Crush anything in our way."

They were dubbed, even to this day, as the Worlds Worst Calamity.

"Your majesty?" a voice called softly, the person they were directing their words to slowly opened their eyes as their little daydream of the past came to a stop.

"What is it?"

"I don't understand." they let out a hum their words and turned their head to face them, letting them know that they were listening and to continue "I don't understand why you're acting so docile to those... humans." they let out another hum as they leaned back into their throne, legs crossing over each other as they let their cheek rest on their knuckles. This group of wayward humans came to their island in need of assistance; assistance of travelling to one single island that they have ventured to one their voyage. They were delusional to think they were going to change their mind, they've already seen what the ocean has to offer, what more could there be that they haven't seen. The captain let out a boisterous laughter at their claim, saying that the world is always changing and nothing stays the same. Things could be different from what they were before with how much the world is changing; evolving. The first voice raised a brow when they heard them chuckle softly, leg beginning to bounce from where it was hanging.

"Who knows, they're beginning to grow on me." they then gesture with their head over to where the source of all the laughter was coming from, their own smile working its way onto their face with how bright they were smiling "And besides, that man has a way with words that I can't really describe. He leaves me quite speechless, I suppose." this caused them to let out a hum, staring at the way their eyes sparkled in amusement as they stared at the humans dancing and smiling. Their brows quirked up when the human in question turned towards them, a big grin on their face as they held up their mug of ale and cheered.

"Calliope!" he cheered, he laughed drunkenly as he staggered over in her direction "Give us a hand, would you? I wanna make an announcement." she hummed softly as he and the men around him laughed and shouted for her, she shrugged her shoulders and slightly stood from her throne to kneel down towards him, her hand extending out towards him with her palm facing upwards. He giggled when her ridiculously large hand now hovered in front of him and without wasting a second he jumped into her palm, she then lifts him up high enough so he was overlooking all the guests within her banquet hall "Here's a toast to our latest member to the Roger Pirates! This stubborn woman had me on my hands and knees practically begging for her to join, and you know me! I won't take no for an answer, and with my persistence, I finally managed to convince her!" the rally of cheers from beneath him echoed throughout the room.

"We've got an unstoppable force on our side!"

"We'll be even more feared than usual."

"She's gonna stick out like a sore thumb." Roger chuckles and raises his mug once more, this caused everyone, even Calliope with her own giant mug, to raise them up to join him in his toast.

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