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I woke up in the coldness of the wooden floor, realizing it was all just a dream... How would jeonghan be mine again after what happened... I sniffed and then stood up and saw it was snowing outside the window

I remember when me and jeonghan were still in contact before, we would always go to outside to play with snow and having a snowball fight although we're already at college students that time, I stopped zoning out when I heard a call from me from the door

"Joshua dear, come down and get your breakfast and it's christmas" oh wow i didn't knew it was christmas, then that means my birthday is close.

"I'm coming" then the voice disappeared and I went to my corner place and pulled out a cream colored sweater and a red and black plaid patterns pajama that I bought when i'm still living at my parents house, then went to go to the dining room and as soon as I got there, a man that I am not familiar with is sitting on the chair

I thought if that's jeonghan's dad or not, so I proceed to walk down the stares while I'm slightly shaking from nervous and I sat down at the vacant seat next with jeonghan

"Joshua dear, meet jeonghan's dad" I looked at his dad and he was giving me a cold glare and I looked down, both hands are sweating

"so it's a man hm?" he hummed


"Darling, yes it's a he"

"I'm not agreeing to this stupid marriage if that gay is going to marry my straight son" I remained looked down then felt my ears are gathering, he kept saying a lot of bad comments about me and I tried to ignore but I can't it hurts so much... Why everyone gotta hate me? All I want is to live a peaceful life but why... A drop of tear came down to my cheeks and I stood up making everyone looked at me

"i- i am going i'm sorry if you're uncomfortable seeing me mr and mrs. Hong and to you too, je- si-sir jeonghan. I bowed and went to go back at the room crying at the floor, hugging my knees went to get my bunny plushy that jeonghan gave me before. Now I hugged it with me until I stopped crying

I pondered how me and jeonghan are still together til today, he could've protect me from his father... We could've go to the mall and buy some gifts for ourselves that we will treasure it and we could've been hugging with each other at the bed right now, flirting at each other, I guess the opposite happened. Now, that he was gone. Completely removed me to his life like I was never existed after years of our dating

I stopped pondering and decide to just read some fanfictions I have with me

It is about a girl and boy, who the girl left his boyfriend and now was regretting it and the month they last saw each other and care for each other was the month of December

I cried with the story because, I can relate how sad it is, that she realized she  still loves him but now it was too late, now that he was gone

I closed my book as I heard the door opened guessing it was jeonghan and it was

"here eat it you haven't eating since yesterday" jeonghan said then walked away and laid himself at the soft and warm bed, pulling out his iphone from his pocket then start scrolling some things

I remembered when he promised me, he will gift me phone for my 20th birthday, because, he found out that I don't have any phones or games to do when I'm bored, and he notice I was quiet whenever he's on his phone so, he decide to bought me a cellphone but my dad broke it when he founds out I got a cellphone and it wasn't been a day since he bought me, got destroyed by my dad. I didn't told him the reason I just had to remain silent and whenever he was asking me where's my phone was I always says I left it or i'm hding it, but the fact is it is already destroyed

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