𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟣𝟫: 𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓃𝓀 𝒴𝑜𝓊, 𝐵𝓊𝓉 𝒩𝑜 𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓃𝓀 𝒴𝑜𝓊

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Shinobu POV:

I hummed a tune as I polished the kitchen benchtops with a wet cloth. Giyu had texted, saying his shift was extended and he was going to be home late.

I decided to wait for him for dinner since he was coming back at 7:30, and I could wait. I wasn't hungry either, so I started on some housework to suprise him when he came home. He was always so gloriously appreciative when I did the housework, since he had a disorder about it from Tsutako.

Giyu had confessed to me about Tsutako's issues a month ago, and I had immediantly set a test with her. She had an unhealthy addiction to drugs and had toxic friends that I immediantly got rid of. She was in therapy with me and was doing well with her daily pills. She seemed to be getting better by the day and Giyu always declared he was forever in my debt, but I laughed it off.

It was nice to see someone so delighted by my medical skills and drove me to work harder in my studies. My course was gliding smoothly and I had good friends. Mitsuri wasn't studying medicine, she was studying cooking, but her college was extremely close to mine and we often went out for lunch together.

Things were going so well, it felt like my life had taken a sudden turn. A beautiful, bright turn towards a beautiful, bright future. 

Other than suprising Giyu, I was also cleaning up because Akira asked if she could stop by and discuss something with me today. I thought it was just a meet-up, but she sounded very serious on the phone.

I hadn't seen Akira physically since graduation. She had moved pretty far away, and I thought it was incredibly nice of her to spend so much travel fees for a visit here. I missed her dearly.


My newly purchased butterfly doorbell rang out and I quickly put away the cloth and opened the door to see Akira standing there with a box, smiling.

"Hi, Shinobu!" Akira grinned, "Long time no see!"

We hugged each other and I said, "It's great to see you again! Come in!"

Akira didn't look too different, but she was a little bit taller and she had cut her hair a little. She wore a nice black sundress and white sneakers.

I was still in my jeans and blouse, feeling a little underdressed, but Akira was more suprised with my home.

"Wow! This apartment looks so well-kept!" she gaped, "It's so clean and tidy! You have no idea how much of a bird nest my apartment has became."

"Haha!" I laughed, "Well, I did just clean up, you know. Sit down! I'll make us a cup of tea."

"Oh, thank you," Akira politely took a seat on our couch and set the box on the coffee table as I quickly boiled the water.

"Sorry, the water's still boiling," I said, hurrying back, "We should catch up!"

"Definetly! Look, I brought something," Akira held out the box, "Homemade cookies. I thought it might be rude not to bring a little something."

"Ara ara~ You didn't have to!" I took the box graciously, "How kind of you!"

"Well," Akira sighed, "I didn't come here just for a friendly visit. I do have something.. of a personal matter I would like to inform you of."

"Oh!" I raised my eyebrows, "How formal. Please, go ahead."

I felt a twinge in my stomach, like I already knew she was going to say something bad. Worry dripped into my head. Did she have an illness? Need money?

"Yesterday, I arrived in town early so I visited Mitsuri, and, well-"


"Oh, sorry, that's the boiler," I apologised, getting up and turning off the boiler. I made the tea and carried the cups carefully back to the couch.

"Here you go!" I cheerfully handed the cup to Akira, "Hope you like jasmine!"

"Yes, I do," Akira took the cup politely, "Alligato!"

"So, what were you saying?" I took a seat facing her and blowed on my hot tea, the liquid's surface rippling and hot steam acesnding.

"Well, as I said, I visited Mitsuri and I'm very disappointed to inform you of this, but... I saw her with Giyu. And they were..," Akira sighed.

"No." My immediant response was blurted out of my mouth. My heart stopped. I was shell-shocked. "He wouldn't. Mitsuri wouldn't."

"I'm sorry, Shinobu, but he did and she did. I would have taken a picture for you, but I felt it would be inappopriate and upsetting for you."

"O-of course... I'm so sorry you had to witness that, Akira... Thank you for telling me," I answred shakily, the tea cup trembling in my frozen white fingers.

"No, I'm sorry, Shinobu," Akira sighed, sipping her tea and meeting my eyes over the rim of the teacup, "I'm sorry you had to go through that. I'm sorry Giyu cheated on you. I couldn't believe it."

"Well." my head was spinning. I had to confront him. "I suppose I will have to break up with him."

But just the words alone being spoken aloud made my stomach tense up and my eyes fill with unshed tears.

Why would he do this? How could he do this? He'd never shown any romantic interest in Mitsuri at all. If he was cheating I would have assumed it was Himari or Lilian. But my best friend.. it broke me down into pieces.

"Oh, Shinobu," Akira got up and hugged me tight. I rested my head against her shoulder like a child and sobbed, crying my heart out.

How could he play with my heart like that?

Cruel man, cruel world.

How could my best friend do that?

Betrayal over betrayal.

A/N: Plot twist much? 😰

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