𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟣𝟥: 𝒜𝒻𝓉𝑒𝓇

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Shinobu POV:

I walked in the oppisote direction of everyone else, straight to the Butterfly Mansion. I needed Kanae to give me some of her big-sister advice.

As everyone dispersed off into their different paths back home, Makomo and Sabito exchanged sad waves, Akira and Mitsuri arranged to text later, and I didn't say a word. Giyu lingered for a bit near me like he wanted to talk, but I brushed him off. I didn't feel like talking.

As I walked home, I started to feel bad for waving him off like that. Finally, I reached the familair gates of the Butterfly Mansion and knocked. I knew Kanae would be home by now.

Sure enough, she opened the gate. I stood there, still dripping wet, staring at her.

All I felt was cold, wet and foolish.

I leapt into her arms and hugged her tight, crying. All the emotion finally left me as Kanae pulled me close, wrapping me in her warmth. She didn't know what was wrong, but she had always been able to read me and knew I was upset. She really was my big sister.

Finally, she spoke. "Ara ara~ What's wrong, Shinobu?" Kanae asked, smiling warmly and bending to my height, "You're dripping wet. Do come in and have a nice bath, then tell me what happened."

So I bathed in warm bubbles and foam, then dried myself briskly. I put on a simple kimono and decided to hand-wash Kanae's nice dress later. I didn't bother tying up my hair, letting it fall to my shoulders and hang loose. I calmed down after my warm bath and emerged from the bathroom to find Kanae sitting on the couch with two steaming cups of tea.

"You're finally done, Shinobu!" Kanae laughed, "You take the longest bathes. Ara ara~ You should wear your hair down more often! It looked very pretty. Why don't you take a seat? I made tea."

I blushed, sitting on the couch oppisote her as she handed me my cup of tea. I took a sip and it was my favourite,

"Ara ara~ Why am I treating you like a guest?" Kanae shrugged, "It's like my default system. You are my sister! I suppose it has been a long day for all, hai? Now, do tell me why you were so upset."

I took a deep breath. "Nee-san, today was my first one-month anniversary with my boyfriend, Giyu Tomioka."

"Ah, yes, I know him," Kanae said thoughtfully, "Go on. I won't interupt."

"So we were going on a picnic with some friends- Sabito, Makomo, Mitsuri and Akira. You already know Mitsuri, of course. It was going great- we were eating and chatting when Akira accidentally spilled her drink all over me. And then she knocked me and Giyu's drinks on me as well. That's why I was wet," I confessed, "I'm sorry it stained your dress."

"It's fine!" Kanae waved a hand, "I have more. Keep going."

"After we were pretty much done eating, Kenzo arrived," My face twisted, "He used to be a friend, I guess, but yesterday he tried to touch me at school."

"Ehhh?!?!!" Kanae sat up straighter, almost spilling her tea, "No! Unforgivable! I will hunt him down! How dare he touch my little sister!"

"He kept pressuring me to invite him to the picnic, but I obviously couldn't because I didn't want people at school to know I was dating Giyu," I said.

"Huh? Why?" Kanae looked confused, and frankly, a little worried.

"They'll tease me for dating someone.. not popular," I confessed, "And it might ruin your reputation too. But anyways.."

Kanae's brow wrinkled but she didn't say anything, and instead sipping her tea thoughtfully.

"I didn't give in, and Kenzo didn't get the address of the picnic place. But I don't know how, I suppose someone overheard and tipped him off. He brought another stranger, a pretty girl called Lilian. She tried to make a move on Giyu." I explained.

𝒲𝒾𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇𝒾𝒶 𝐹𝓁𝑜𝓌𝑒𝓇𝓈 [𝕂𝕚𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕤𝕦 𝔸𝕔𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕞𝕪 𝔸𝕌] {Giyushino}Where stories live. Discover now