Polyjuice (S.S)

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You giggled to yourself as you stirred the cauldron, placing the small tuff of hair you had somehow managed to take from Professor Sharp into the mixture, watching it change colours instantly. "This is going to be brilliant, Ominis!" You said, lifting your head to smile at Ominis, who shook his head as he tried to hide a smile. "I'd be surprised if you managed to make it ten minutes into this plan of yours, let alone into the hall." You smiled as you poured the mixture into a cup, shaking your head in anticipation. "I'll make it work; don't you worry. Do we have everything here? Robes, items of interest, things like that?" You asked, watching Ominis nod as he pointed to where he had left what you requested. He had no idea how you managed to bring him into such a scheme, but there he was as he listened to you as you went through your plan, smirking when you brought up your endgame. "Sebastian's not going to know what hit him, just you wait. I can see his face now; red, probably embarrassed, he won't be able to look Sharp in the eye for weeks!" You giggled to yourself as thought about it, glancing over at Ominis to see him smile. "Bottoms up, I suppose." With that, you tipped the cup to your lips and downed the liquid, gagging a bit at the sour taste. Ominis frowned as he listened to you react to the potion, glad that he was unable to witness the horror that would be you morphing into one of your teachers.

"That went better than expected." Sharp's voice echoed through the Undercroft, which startled Ominis for a quick moment. "Well, you certainly sound like him." He breathed, a slight huff escaping him. You laughed; it felt unnatural to hear Sharps voice mimic your own, yet you couldn't stop yourself from laughing more. "Now you sound like someone dosed Sharp with something. If you hope to get away with this, you need to act like the professor." Ominis said, shaking his head. You finished changing your robe and grabbing what you needed from the floor, taking a breath as you tried to get into character. "Right, thank you for your helpful insight, Mr. Gaunt." Ominis cleared his throat as he tried to hold back a laugh, shaking his head. "It's unsettling how quickly you switched up, I have half the mind to believe that Sharp was here, if it wasn't for the fact that I heard your voice a few minutes ago." You frowned playfully as you took a few steps around, trying to match your gait with the professor's before you headed out. "Do I sound like him when I walk, Ominis?" You asked, turning to walk over to him as he furrowed his brows. "It seems like you have his walk, I can only assume that to anyone else, you are the professor." You smiled, moving to leave the Undercroft. "Perfect, I shall be back when my plan is done." "I fear for anyone that comes in contact with you."

You walked down the halls, speaking with a student every now and then as you searched for certain students, careful to avoid the actual Professor Sharp. You turned down a hall as you narrowed your eyes, landing on the head of Leander, who stood on the side as he spoke to some of his friends. Smiling to yourself, you walked over and stood behind him, raising a brow as you listened to him talk. You had arrived mid-conversation, and only caught Leander talking about some Slytherin students when his friends motioned for him to turn around. Leander looked up at you with wide eyes, the colour draining from his face. "Mr. Prewett." You said, looking down at him. He frowned slightly as he tried to avoid your gaze. "Professor Sharp, hello." You held your composure as you continued to look at him, raising an eyebrow. "Did you get some of that potion on you yesterday?" Leander furrowed his brows, unsure what to say. "The potion?" "Yes, the one that you claim, "Got stuck to your robe and fell over." Did you get any on you?" Leander nodded slightly, cheeks heating up as he remembered potions class. "Yes sir, but why do you ask?" You smirked slightly as you looked to his friends as they tried to keep straight faces. "You smell horrible. Have you not changed your robes since yesterday?" Leander's friends snickered behind him as his face grew redder. "No sir, I didn't think that it would smell." "It does, I suggest you fix it quickly before another professor gives you detention for being unhygienic." You turned away from him and began walking away, smiling to yourself as you listened to Leander mutter to himself and sprint away to his dorm.

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