Duel of the Fates (S.S)

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Star Wars reference woo Gn!Houseless!Reader

     "Stupefy!" A ball of red left your wand as you cast out the spell. A pale, almost white, blue sphere surrounded Sebastian, your partner, as he cast Protego. You shouted the spell again, much faster this time and one after the other, in hopes of catching him off guard. Once again, the protective bubble encased Sebastian, who smirked as he readied himself for his own attack. "Aqua Eructo!" With that, a jet of water poured from his wand and headed straight towards you, giving you barely enough time to cast a cloak of protection around yourself. "Almost" You whispered, seeing a droplet drop from your nose. You didn't have time to figure out if the droplet was from the spell, or if you had worked up a sweat in your fight. You waved your wand, shouting "Bombarda!" and sending a series of small explosions at Sebastian. Through the smoke you could see him on one knee, rubbing his eyes and grabbing for his wand. A quick flick of your wand, you cast Expelliarmus just as his fingers made contact, sending his wand off the dueling mat.

He looked up at you in annoyance, but a playful smirk on his lips. "I almost beat you that time," He joked, getting to his feet, and searching for his wand. You shook your head in disagreement, summoning his wand into your own hand and waving it around playfully. "You say that every time I best you in a duel, I think it's time to give up." Sebastian scoffed as he walked up to you, eyeing you as he reached for his wand. "Ah, no." You said, retracting your hand from him. "You didn't think I'd let you have your wand back without you admitting defeat, did you?" Sebastian sighed as he held his hands up in surrender. "Ok, you got me. I surrender, you win." You smirked and tossed his wand back to him, taking the time now to fix your robes.

On days when you didn't have any exams or study nights, Sebastian would ask if you wanted to do some dueling. "To make sure we're paying attention in class." Was Sebastian's reasoning. You agreed and had met him in the club room at a specific time each time he asked, and each time you dueled, he lost. At first, Sebastian had claimed it was just so you would keep agreeing to duel with him, thinking that you would get cocky. But this was a weekly occurrence, a duel, a win, a lose. You didn't know what went through his mind each time you bested him because he would always look up at you from the ground, a kind smile on his face. He had been asking to duel frequently, but it started to become an every-other-day thing.

"Why are we dueling so much?" You asked, leaving your thoughts, and looking over to Sebastian. Again, he smiled at you, shrugging his shoulders. "Don't know. Maybe I just want to hang out with you?" He said as he tried to fix his hair. There was ash peppering his chocolate locks, curtesy of your use of Bombarda, a spell you read about that caused a set of little explosions depending on your intent. It was the first time you had used it since learning it. "There are much safer ways to hang out, and ways that you won't get humiliated if you joined." You joked. Sebastian shook his head. "Yeah, well, this is also a learning experience, right? Since when did you know that spell." He pointed out the ash that he was swatting away. You smiled as you played with your wand. "Read it in a book about two days ago." Sebastian shook his head in disbelief. "Two days ago? What book was it?" You shook your head, using your wand to pretend to seal your lips. "That's for me to know, and you to find out." "Oh, I'll find out all right."

The duels continued on through the weeks. You were getting stronger and were learning more spells to use. Although defensive spells were always something you were taught in class, you and Sebastian felt that it would be better to know more offensive types. Sebastian wanted to get a battle done quickly and felt that if you wanted something done, you do it yourself and you do it right. It was part of his mentality. While you agreed with him, you knew there was deeper meaning, one that Sebastian had been quietly dealing with by himself. He had told you about his sister and how she needed help, and how he felt that he was the only one willing to do something about it. You figured that this was the reasoning behind all the duels, noting how they were mainly supposed to benefit Sebastian, and yet you had always come out on top.

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