•Chapter 3•

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It was a normal school day. Like every school day.

Quackity stood with his friends, also known, crushes, Sapnap and Karl. They were all good friends and quackity wouldn't have the guts to ask them out. Who even knew if they were poly..?

He got the unsettling feeling he'd always get. It was stranger today.. more of a targeted feeling.

He looked around for a moment. As he  felt a hand on his shoulder "your alright?" Sapnap spoke softly as Quackity smiled and nodded "yep!"

Over on the other side, Wilbur stood with his siblings and former friends. He was looking over to sapnap and Karl their day.

He despised Karl and Sapnap. He just wanted them out of the picture. Which he was soon to do....

August 21st, 9:07 pm

Wilbur's dorm

Wilbur was sat on his laptop, editing.

A video you must ask? Well actually your wrong, fellow reader...

Wilbur soot was about to ruin sapnaps reputation.

And again you must be asking, "well how?" I'll tell you..

Wilbur sat on his laptop, he edited pictures online he found and simply put it so it looked exactly like sapnap. Making him look like a slut.

The photos had been party photos, drinking photos, photos with hickeys all over his body, even him kissing another guy.

Was Wilbur evil for this..?? No... Uh. Maybe...

He made a separate account, a very private one where no body could find out his identification. He posted the photos, then @ a bunch of the people who he knew would spread the rumors and photos.

A sinister smile was formed on his face as he saw the views to his post getting bigger, the numbers grew bigger and bigger. He was done for.

Wilbur couldn't even care if sapnap was at home crying about this- all he cared for was his quackity. To be all his... 

Sorry for short chapter tonight. I'm a bit tired lmao

Also, this is just a fucking book, don't you dare start hating on me for what I made Wilbur do. It's just a book. :(

Word count: 350

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