Chapter 1: Enter the Shooting Wolf

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"Leon, I think you need to take a break," she said softly, trying not to startle him.

But Leon didn't even look up from his work. "I can't take a break now. I'm almost done with this robot," he continued to write the code for it. He has been working on this robot for the past few years.

Leon smiled at the mention of their college days. "Yes, that's the one," he replied to Diana. "We made some tweaks to it to make it work with the new robot design, but the core concept is the same."

Sarah watched her parents work, her eyes scanning the code on the screen. "It looks complicated," she remarked.

"It is," Leon said, chuckling. "But with your mom and I working together, we can make anything happen."

Diana smiled at her husband's words, grateful for the reminder of their shared history. She looked back at the screen and nodded in agreement. "We've always made a great team," she said.

Leon continued to type away, his fingers moving quickly over the keyboard. He was in the zone, completely focused on the task at hand. But even as he worked, his mind wandered to the potential of the robot they were creating. With its advanced technology, it could be a game-changer in the world of robotics. As the hours ticked by, the code began to take shape, piece by piece. It was a slow and meticulous process, but one that they were all familiar with. And when they finally finished, there was a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment in the air. "Alright, let's compile it and see how it runs," Leon said, hitting a few keys.

The screen flickered for a moment before displaying the robot's programming. They watched as the robot sprang to life, its mechanical limbs moving with fluidity and grace.

"Looks like it's working perfectly," Diana said, smiling at her husband.

Leon grinned back, feeling a sense of pride in what they had created. "It's just the beginning," he said. "There's so much more we can do with this technology."

Diana looked at the old photo and sighed. It was taken during their college years, before they got married and had Sarah. In the photo, she saw Leon, Sarah, a blurred person, and herself. The blurred person was someone they had worked with on a project that they had named "Project Zero-One B".

Diana couldn't help but think about that project now, as Leon was working on his latest creation. She knew it was risky, but she couldn't deny that she was excited to see what he would come up with. She looked over at Leon, who was focused on the code in front of him.

"Leon, do you remember Project Zero-One B?" she asked.

Leon looked up from his work and smiled at her. "Of course I do. How could I forget? It was one of the best projects we ever worked on."

Diana nodded. "I think about it sometimes. It was supposed to be the future of technology."

"And it still is," Leon said. "That's why I'm doing this. I want to make a difference in the world, just like we did with Zero-One B. She was so Life-like and she passed for Human."

Diana smiled at him. She knew that Leon was passionate about his work, and she admired him for it. She just hoped that this new project wouldn't be as dangerous as the last one.

Diana let out a deep sigh as she gazed at the picture in her hand, reminiscing about the past. She couldn't believe it had been so long since they worked on Project Zero-One B together in college. The project was ambitious and cutting-edge at the time, but it ultimately never saw the light of day due to lack of funding.

"Remember when we used to work on Project Zero-One B?" Diana said to Leon, still staring at the picture. "We had such big dreams back then."

Leon looked up from his work, taking off his glasses to rub his eyes. "Yeah, I remember," he said with a wistful smile. "We were going to change the world with our technology."

Sarah, who had been quietly sitting in the corner, perked up at the mention of the project. "What was Project Zero-One B?" she asked curiously.

Diana walked over to her daughter, handing her the picture. "It was a project your father and I worked on in college," she explained. "We were trying to create an artificial intelligence that could think and feel like a human being."

Sarah's eyes widened in amazement. "That sounds incredible!" she exclaimed.

Leon chuckled. "It was certainly ambitious, but unfortunately, it never got off the ground," he said. "But now, with the advancements we've made in AI technology, who knows? Maybe it's time to revisit that dream."

Diana smiled at her husband, a glint of hope in her eyes. "Maybe you're right," she said. "Maybe it's time to start thinking big again."

As they continued to talk and work on the samurai robot, a sense of excitement filled the room. Who knew what kind of incredible technology they could create together? And who knew what kind of impact it could have on the world?

"My love, I've finished the Code for our Samurai Droid. We can finally begin." Leon looked at his wife.


Zay looked at Aruto, feeling somewhat embarrassed at what had just happened. "I'm sorry you had to see that," she said, referring to the brief transformation into Kamen Rider Zero-One.

Aruto shook his head. "Don't worry about it. It's not every day you see someone become a Kamen Rider. But tell me, why did you transform like that?"

Zay sighed, running a hand through her hair. "I guess I just wanted to see if I could do it. I mean, I know I'm not a real Kamen Rider like you, but I've always been fascinated by them."

Aruto smiled. "I can understand that. Being a Kamen Rider is pretty amazing, but it's not all fun and games. It's a lot of hard work and sacrifice."

Zay nodded, looking down at her hands. "I know. I'm not trying to take away from what you do. It's just...I feel like there's something more out there for me, you know? Like I'm meant to do something important, something that could make a difference in the world."

Aruto looked at Zay thoughtfully. "I think I know what you mean. When I first became a Kamen Rider, it wasn't just about fighting monsters and saving people. It was about making a difference, even if it was just in one person's life. And I think you have the potential to do that too."

Zay looked up at Aruto, a small smile forming on her face. "Thank you. That means a lot to me."

Aruto nodded. "Anytime. And who knows? Maybe one day you'll become a Kamen Rider for real."

Zay chuckled. "I don't know about that. But I'll definitely keep dreaming."

The two of them sat in silence for a moment, the only sound the hum of the nearby machines. It was a peaceful moment, and Zay found herself feeling grateful for Aruto's understanding and encouragement.

She took the driver and placed it in her purse. Aruto hands her three things to go with it. "These are the three keys you will need to master first."

"Biting Shark, Flying Falcon and Rising Hopper?" Zay looked at the three keys.

"The same three I began with." The old man looked at his replacement. "I'll get you started with Hiden as soon as possible to keep a cover."

Aruto was impressed by Zay's abilities and her resemblance to his own Rider form, but he couldn't help but feel uneasy about the idea of a "backup" Rider. He wondered why Hiden Intelligence would create a second version of him, especially one that was female, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Zay noticed Aruto's discomfort and assured him that she was not meant to replace him, but rather to support him in his duties as Kamen Rider Zero-One. She explained that her design was based on the concept of balance, with her abilities complementing Aruto's strengths and weaknesses as a Rider.

Despite her reassurances, Aruto couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Zay's creation than what she was telling him. He knew that Hiden Intelligence had a history of keeping secrets, and he couldn't help but wonder what other secrets they were hiding.

As the two continued to talk, Aruto made a decision. He would keep a close eye on Zay and try to uncover the truth behind her creation, but he would also give her a chance to prove herself as a valuable ally in the fight against the rogue HumaGears and their new Leaders.

Zay smiles at her mentor. She knew she could live up to his expectations.

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