"I would be but I graduated early and from all honors, AP classes. My parents were super strict about school, they almost collapsed when I said I was doing university online instead of in person. Plus moving here" she gives a little background about her

"Tell me more" I tell her. She shoots me a confused look "your life story. I wanna get to know you better"

"Well I was born in June 18th. I have a sister who is two years older than me. I had a tough 6th grade year and had to move schools and went to my cousins middle school he is a year younger than me and he's the only friend I had. I didn't have many friends growing up. Because I've always had anxiety. Um as I said I graduated when I was 16 and started university same year. I graduate when I'm 22 with a degrees in doctorates. I wanna be a newborn ICU nurse or doctor. I could do both." I explain

"Wow. So you're smart, smart. Wait how do you afford it. It's so expensive" I ask

"My dad put money into an account ever since I was born but because it is so expensive I run out this year. I started saving my own money not buying stuff unless it's needed or if it's for something other than me. I'm looking for a part time job to help. I grew up rich I guess but he got mad at ms when I said I am moving so he basically cut me off" I reply

"Oh. I can pay for the rest of your school" I say

She stops. "Ok I thought you were just rich I didn't think you were rich-rich. And no thank you I appreciate it but that's too much to ask"

"Your not asking and think of it as an investment on you. Look I make enough money to do this for you" I say

"What do you do?" She asks while walking again

"Well this is gonna sound weird and really unbelievable but I stream Minecraft. And make YouTube videos" I respond

She thinks for a bit "cool" she says

"You don't think it's weird?" I ask her

"Not really. I think it's cool. What's your username by the way" she says in such a hot way.

No sapnap she's just a friend. She only is a friend. You are dating 4 people come on. Keep it together.

"Sapnap, it's just my name"

"Woah. Actually now that I think of it I have heard of you. I just never thought it would be you" she giggled

I chuckle at her being shocked

We arrive at the store and she gets the stuff she needs and we go to check out. I distract her by saying there's a cute puppy. And she looked away while I slid my card in.

She looks back and realizes. I laugh at her face.

"You didn't have to do that. It was going to be my thank you treat for letting me stay with you guys. Thank you though" she smiles at me

"Anytime princess" i immediately regret my choice of words.

"Princess?" She questions as a slight blush comes on her face

"Yes my princess" I decided to be bold

"Ok" she smiles

Maybe she likes me. I smile back at her

We walk back home and she cooks for us. It was heavenly. She a really good cook.

"Thank you Kaylen" George says

"It's the least I could do" she smiles

All of my boyfriends including me smile at her smiling. Damn she could really light up a whole room with her smile.

"So Kaylen" clay speaks up

She looks up curiously.

"We've been talking and would you like to stay here permanently? No rent. That's all covered by me" clay says

"Are you guys comfortable with me staying here?" She asks

"Yes we all are. Also do you trust us enough to take you somewhere?" Karl asked

"Yes I do trust you guys enough" she thinks for a little bit while the rest of us wait for her answer to live with us. "Only if you guys are ok with me living here and I give you the right to kick me out if you ever get annoyed at me"

"YES!" Alex shouts "and don't worry we will never get annoyed if you" alex says earning a smile from her

"Ok get some sleep because tomorrows a big day" George tells her

"Ok" she agrees walking up the stairs and to her room.

"I think we should watch a movie" Karl suggests

We all agree and get comfortable with each other. Soon we all fall asleep tangled up with each other.

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