01 ― let the chaos begin.

Start from the beginning

Decha had to fight the urge to roll his eyes. He did not feel like getting reprimanded again, especially so early in the morning and when he was only running on about two hours of sleep.

Achara kept staring at him. She didn't even have to tell him to hurry up because he already knew that's what she was thinking from the look on her face.

"Alright, alright, I'm done."

Achara already had her backpack in her hand and was standing by the door before Decha even had the chance to put his bowl in the sink. For someone who hated school, she sure was in a hurry to leave. Decha walked upstairs to get his backpack, and when he came back, he saw his mother giving Achara a hug and telling her to have a good day at school.

When she saw Decha, she turned to him and said, "Don't make me have to drive up to the school on the first day."

"I won't," Decha replied.

It was risky to make such a promise. Trouble always seemed to find him wherever he went. It would be a miracle if he could get through one day, let alone a few minutes, without getting into trouble for something.


All eyes were immediately on them as they walked through the hallway.

"It's the first day of school. Why are people staring at us?" Decha whispered into Achara's ear.

"They aren't staring at us," Achara pointed out. "They're staring at you. What did you do at the party you went to last night?"

Decha shrugged. "Would I be asking why everyone is staring if I did?"

Decha was used to having people stare at him, but he always knew the reason why. It was always because news had spread that he had broken up with his latest partner or about who his latest hookup was. The student body at West Valley could be very nosy when it came to his love life—far nosier than they had any business being.

But there was something different about the stares he was getting. They weren't the usual looks of curiosity.

"Seriously, what the hell did you do?" Achara asked.

"I really have no idea," Decha told her.

"Well, you did something because Kyler and his friends are walking over here right now, and they don't look happy," Achara warned him.

Decha let out an exasperated sigh. "Great..."

Before the twins knew it, Kyler and his friends were standing in front of them. Kyler looked absolutely pissed. Decha had known him for years, and he didn't think that he had ever seen him look so mad.

"Kyler," Decha greeted, "How nice of you to grace us with your presence."

Kyler responded by grabbing the collar of Decha's shirt and pushing him against the lockers. A loud crash echoed through the hallway, gathering the attention of those who weren't already staring at the encounter.

"Damn, all you had to do was ask," Decha taunted him. "There's no need to be all rough about it."

"Shut up," Kyler replied.

Decha wiggled his eyebrows at him. "Ooh, bossy."

Kyler shoved him up against the locker even more, practically fuming.

"You know what, Kyler, how about you just tell us why in the hell you're pushing him up against the locker, hmm?" Achara asked.

"And let go of me while you're at it?" Decha suggested.

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