chapter 4

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     Just then the hooded figure walks into the classroom in front of the teacher's desk, then removes his hood. He is not what you expected, you thought he would be some quiet person with eye bags or some scary-looking guy not a strawberry blond with bright hazel eyes and star hair clips in with full pink lips and a blinding smile. " Hello! My name is Asa Yujin!" Nice to meet you all!" You smile, this person seems nice enough to give the gift face-to-face instead of just leaving it on his desk. But alas your teacher still seems a bit pale and sweaty. You raise your hand to ask if she's alright but then you put your hand down and look down thinking it would be rude to point it out in front of everyone. What if somebody pointed that out when you were up there? As you think you don't realize the pair of eyes burning into you. Just then your head snaps up you need to give him the gift! Picking up the wrapped gift you think that you should give it to him as soon as he's sat you don't want his treat to be cold!

ZOMBIE LOVEDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora