Bye-Bye My Friend.

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Mom? Seriously, wheres Hopper? Elizabeth asked as she thought it was a joke, that Hopper was just gonna walk into frame and be okay.

Elizabeth, he's gone. Joyce said dully.

Elizabeth just broke down right then and there. She should've been it, not him, never him. She had barely said a word to hi sense they got back on good terms. 

El, was next to Elizabeth, once she understood why Elizabeth was sobbing she cried into Elizabeth's arms. 

I need Hopper, I need him. I miss him! El cried.

It's okay, it's okay baby. Elizabeth said comforting as she dropped down onto her knees to hug El better.

Okay, but did people still think Hop was dead after season 3? Like the end credits scene? The Russian base? Like idk. I wasn't into stranger things then. 


3 months of mourning for Hopper.

Now Elizabeth, Robin and Steve were applying for jobs at Family Video. It was ran by Keith, a person that totally despises Steve and Elizabeth. He hated how big of assholes they were in high school, but Keith had a thing for Elizabeth. But Elizabeth hated Keith, so that was another reason for him to hate Steve.


You all rolled up into the parking lot at Family Video. Elizabeth is in shotgun, Steve driving and Robin laying in the back seat.

You put your mom down as a reference? Robin asked as she was looking at Steve's resume.

Yeah. Why not? She's, like, super well respected. Steve answers while getting out of his car.

And, Elizabeth? You put like no effort into this, like, at all. Robin said as she furrowed her eyebrows looking at Elizabeth's paper.

Well, I know Keith well enough, he'd just ask some questions, and I know he'll just hire me to hit on me so, I'm all good. Elizabeth said reassuringly.

Okay, but he's not gonna hit on you, otherwise I hit him. Steve threatens while they walk through the stores door.

Uh, just to be clear, we weren't fired, you know. Robin said convincingly to Keith.

Yeah, the mall burnt down and, like, killed a bunch of people. Elizabeth explains.

Thanks for sharing, didn't know. Keith said as he looked up from the resumes. He was being sarcastic obviously.

Three favorite movies, go. Keith said pointing to Robin.

Uh... The Apartment, Hidden Fortress, Children of Paradise. Robin said.

Now, you. Keith said pointing to Elizabeth. Fast Times at Ridgemont High....... Uh E.T.....and Gregory's Girl. Elizabeth said quickly.

Now, you go. Keith said no pointing to Steve.

Uh, favorite movies? Steve asked.

Did I stutter? Keith asked in a sarcastic voice.

Uh.... Animal House, for sure. Steve says as Robin and Elizabeth scoff.

What? You watched that movie with me before? Steve asks Elizabeth in disbelief.

That's like, the middest movie you could've picked. Elizabeth scoffed.

Really? You like Fast Times. Steve fired back.

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