Suicidal Romance.

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Elizabeth woke up next to a sleepy peaceful Steve Harrington.

Shit. Elizabeth muttered.

what? Steve said quietly.

Steve it's a school day! Shit,shit,shit! Why am I such a dumb ass? Elizabeth cursed.

What? It is? You know.....we could just skip........right? Steve asked mischievously.

No, Steve if my brother found out I was sleeping with you, on top of that drunk off my ass........ I'm gonna get my ass beat by Hopper. Shit! Elizabeth yelled. 

Shit. Shit . Shit! Steve yelled. We already are late! 

Steve ran to his closet to get her a oversized shirt and a pair of acid washed jeans. 

Are these gonna get you caught? Steve asked.

Nope. Thank you. Elizabeth said kissing him on the cheek before running into the bathroom to change.


He's staying over now? Jonathan asked.

Can you just take will please? Joyce asked.

I can take him. Bob chimed in.

Will you make sure he gets in okay? 

Yeah of course. What do you say big guy? Wanna take a ride in the Bob mobile?


Elizabeth was terrified. Billy. He was unaware about her and Steves actions last night.

I'm so fucked. Elizabeth said to Steve as he drives to school.

Why? He asked


Oh shit I'm so sorry. I forgot.

No no no your okay.....I was thinking about dumping his ass anyway.......

But what's keeping you with him? Steve asked.

Max.....she is his step sister.....he is very abusive to her. It makes me feel like shit when I can't be there for her. He's literally tried to run over Dustin and his friends before.

Did he? Steve asked


What happened?

He was making the car go faster, but I made the car swerve away.


Hell. You shouldn't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to. Elizabeth said warning him.

Okay I guess. Steve said scared.


Billy? Elizabeth asked.

Hey baby girl. I missed you a lot last night. 

You did?

Yeah and Carol and her cows were trying to hit on me.

Oh shit. That's fucked up. 

Billy pulled into a kiss before saying he had to go. 


Nancy walked in to the court. 

Elizabeth ran over to her.

Nance, hi! So um I need help.....

Ok what's wrong?

So I need to brake up with Billy. But I'm scared to tell him why.

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