Alley Fights

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 It was a cool fall afternoon. Jonathan and Elizabeth had been raiding the local "Hunting & Camping" store.

 "What you kid's doin' with all this?" The store's cashier questioned.

"Monster hunting" Elizabeth blurts out.

"Monster hunting?" Jonathan repeats, mocking your lack of imagination.

Elizabeth turns around as she hears a noise, running over to the scene as Jonathan calls out for her.

Elizabeth stairs in horror the words : 'Elizabeth the cheating slut' written on the cinema letter board. She can hear laughing in the distance, it was familiar. Tommy H.

She storms into the alley way to see Steve Harrington,Carol,Tommy and Nicole.

"Aw, hey there, princess!' Carol giggles.

"Uh-oh! She looks upset." Tommy slurs.

Elizabeth walks over to Steve looks him dead in the eyes,then slaps him across the face. 

The group of teenagers laugh.

"What is wrong with you?" Elizabeth says firmly.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? I was worried about you. I cant believe that I was actually worried about you." Steve scoffs.

"What are you talking about?" Elizabeth questions.

"I wouldn't lie if I were you. You don't want to be known as the lying slut now, do you?" Carol says with a smirk.

Jonathan catches up to you as Tommy jeers.

"You came by last night?" Elizabeth asks.

"Ding!Ding!Ding! Does she get a prize?" Carol says half sarcastic half joking.

"Look I don't know what you think you saw, but it wasn't like that." Elizabeth says.

"What, you just let him into your room to... study?" Steve says sarcastically.

"Or for another weird photo session?" Tommy laughs.

"We ar-" Elizabeth states but Steve interrupt's you.

"You are just what? Dating? Cheating behind my back? Now finish that sentence. Finish the sentence.". Elizabeth breaths heavily with rage.

"Go to hell, Elizabeth."  Steve shoots.

Jonathan is pulling her back restraining her from beating the hell out of Steve. Elizabeth pulls away and says "Okay, see you later than I guess." But then throws Steve back a couple feet onto the ground. Steve lays unconsciously on the ground.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" The teenagers yell.

Elizabeth wipes her nose on her sleeve. Blood. There was a dark secret that only a few people know. And for a reason, but now two of the biggest gossip girls know a fragment of her secret. 

Elizabeth just realized what she just did. Steve unconscious on the ground. The other teenagers look at her with unknowing looks. 

Jonathan is pushing her by the shoulder. "Elizabeth we need to go before the cops get here!" He yells.

But it's to late. Elizabeth snap's back to reality, Tommy, Carol ,Steve and Nicole have ran away. The cop pushes her onto the car hood and handcuffs her wrists.

Elizabeth gets taken with her younger brother by the cops and ride to the police station were she will be held for a while.

Jonathan went to get ice for Elizabeth's head. Her head always throbs after using her powers. Her nose was not bleeding anymore. But her heart was. She was hurt,angry and wanted to explain herself but it won't help.

She knows that the'll take her again. She's supposedly 'dead' the lab doesn't know she's alive, using her powers or most of all with her family. 

Elizabeth escaped the lab not to long ago, she was with another girl when she escaped. Her name was 011. They had a lot in common. They both rarely spoke, they both forgot about the outside. They both absolutely HATED the lab, it was always was so small in there. No room to move and play in like real kids, no cartoons before mom and dad woke up.


Elizabeth always hated the number 3. She was scared of it. She stays inside her house on any 3rd of the month, especially if it was March. But that didn't help that her birthday was on the 3rd of November. The one day that she couldn't escape reality. Because after all she was just 003.


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