Amelia and Zechariah Storms: Their Beginning

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Amelia met her husband during the Spice festival, after visiting Sapphire earlier in the day. She was eating a bean and cheese burrito, when she saw him struggling to eat a spicy meal. With fire spouting out his mouth, Amelia couldn't help laughing out loud at him from the bench she sat on. 

Zechariah, noticing her laugh, couldn't help chuckling with her, and scratching his head in embarrassment. Amelia finished her meal and walked over to him. "Hey, sorry about laughing. But I couldn't help it! What exactly did you order?"

"The Bhel Puri." He coughed. "I thought I'd try out the Indian stall for once. I was not expecting that." He coughed again. Amelia giggled, doing her best to hold back. Zechariah smiled, before murmuring, "You have a cute giggle."

Amelia blinked, before giving him a sultry grin. Between her and her twin, she was the most bold. "Yeah? Well, I do like your long hair. You should keep it that way." With a twirl, she walked away, leaving Zechariah blushing and watching her leave.

Since then, they got to know each other, visiting the spice festival whenever it happened, and trying out the foods. It was when they got all the recipes jotted down, that they confessed their feelings and decided to date. Zechariah was a business tycoon, living in his own large home in Brindleton Bay, with his Doberman, Nixon. Nixon fell in love with Amelia when they first met, and stood by her side most of the time whenever she visited. 

Amelia introduced Zechariah to her parents, when they were once again visiting the Spice festival. Amy and Sora were delighted to meet him, even giving the young couple their blessing if they wished to marry. Sora and Zechariah even grew to be the best of friends, since they both shared the love of food and the outdoors. Sim days later, Zechariah and Amelia got married, and she moved in with him. They got another pet, an Egyptian Mau named Cleo.

Amelia soon got pregnant, and gave birth to twins, a boy and girl named, Nathanael and Lilianna Storms. The children, both being angelic toddlers were easy to raise. There was a time when Zechariah had returned home from work, finding the two watching tv as Amelia napped on the couch. He smiled in amusement, and then opened his arms wide when they noticed him. "My little ones!"

"Daddy!" They squealed happily and ran/stumbled towards him. Zechariah gave them large hugs, kissing their chubby cheeks, when Amelia stood up from the couch. 

"You're home early." Amelia smiled, entering his arms when he placed the children down. "Rather early, but I'm not complaining."

"I got promoted again. Thought we'd take a vacation." He kissed her lips, holding her close.

Amelia giggled into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Where would you like to go?"

"How about we visit Mount Komorebi? Maybe even visit your sister. I'd love for the twins to meet their cousin. She recently had a birthday right? And I do miss snowboarding." 

Amelia grinned. "Of course. Aiko has grown fast. I'm sure my sister is really happy, being all family oriented and all. I'd honestly want the same. It'll be a cute play date."

"Then it's settled. We'll go to the snowy peaks. Bet I could beat you in a race down the slopes." He gave her a challenging grin, which was met with a deep kiss.

"You're on."

Sim weeks later, Amelia got pregnant again, and gave birth to Ava Storms. She was an angelic child as well, but more quiet then her older siblings, who were bigger now. Nathanel was an energetic child, who loved the outdoors along with his sister, who also shared the energetic trait. The two were inseparable, always playing video games together, hanging out on the monkey bars, and learning their skills together. Even when one of them was too sick for school, they'd both stay home and keep each other company. 

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