Part 13: Lilana and Caleb

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I wake up in my own room, alone. For a minute, I'm startled. Where's Alex? It hits me quickly that he's in the dorms. I sigh and chck the clock, 11:50...Crap. Training starts at 12. My knee is wrapped in gauze and I don't feel pain. Tobias must've taken me to the Infirmary. I change and shower quickly. I jog to the Training Room and see all my Initiates. They are lined up with Eric standing in front of them.
He nods at me, "Six." He says assuringly.
I nod back, "Eric." He backs away from them and they all sigh.
"Alright, same pairs as yesterday." I tell them.
-Jaden and Bekkah
-Anna and Dylan
-Jess and Alex
Jaden and Bekkah's fight is short. Bekkah manages to get hits to his face a few times, but it's futile. She's knocked out within minutes. I circle Jaden's name. Eric, somewhere in the corner, scoffs.

Anna and Dylan's fight is different. Anna fights back, ducking under punches and dodging kicks. She waits until he's tired to make her move. She kicks his side and he collapses. He tries to scramble up quickly, but only gets to his knees before she kicks him again. In a very inappropriate place.  He wasn't able to recover. He rolls into the fetal position and whines in pain. Tobias walks in and cringes. Anna takes the chance and kicks his head. He goes limp and unconscious. Tobias scoops him up and leaves for the Infirmary. I circle Anna's name.

"Jess, Alex, go on." I say, trying to be calm. They both look better. Alex tries to punch her face, but comes up short. She grabs his fist and in one swift movement turns him around. She's now holding both arms behind his back. He tries to free himself, but doesn't succeed. He wrenches back his leg and kicks her knee hard. She release him and stumbles backwards.
He sighs, "What's the point of this? Why do I have to hurt a girl? Why do I have to hurt anyone?" He yells to no one.
Eric laughs, "Because you chose Dauntless. Don't like it? Leave.'' He says in a matter-of-fact way. I scoff. Alex shakes his head and looks at the ground. Once he's done talking, he turns back to Jess. She looks confused. She stares into his eyes. He nods and she walks up to him. She punches his head lightly, trying not to hurt him, and he falls down and doesn't get back up. He doesn't want to hurt her, so he's pulling an Al. I smile. Tobias bends down and smacks his face, harder than he needed to considering he's faking. Alex's eyes blink rapidly but he calms down. He looks up at Tobias and smirks. I circle Jess's name.
"Tomorrow I pick the pairings. Maybe then, things will be more interesting." He scoffs loudly.
I sigh as he leaves, "That means you all better prepare for the worst. I tried my best to suit you with your opponents. He won't. He's ruthless and insane. Good luck, trainings done for today. Tomorrow is the last day of fights.'' I tell them. They all scatter.

I walk to the Cafeteria slowly. I walk in and grab a tray of food. All of my Initiates are here, but I just want to sit alone. I choose a table in the corner and eat in silence. A few seconds after I sit, I feel a gentle tap on my shoulder. I instantly turn around to see Konnor's fist coming at my face.

I attempt to duck under her fist, but it catches my forehead. I wince as my body pulses backwards onto the table. I can't hear anything but my heartbeat. Thump...Thump...Thump. I kick her legs out from under her and she collapses into a heap. I stand up and rub my forehead. She's gathering herself off of the floor when my fist knocks her already damaged nose. I hear a crack and she cries out in pain. I breathe.
"Don't mess with me, ever." I snap at her. I walk past her and to my room. I open the door and Lilana is sitting on my bed. She looks at me and smiles.
"Hey, Tris." Lilana says.
I nod, "Lilana!" She pats the spot next to her.
I take a seat on the bed and she speaks, "So, Tris, I have something to tell you." She says, remorse filling her voice. I close my eyes and nod. "
Do you know Caleb Prior?" She asks.
I nod, "Yes. I do, he's my brother." I tell her. She looks at her feet.
"He's...he's..." Small, clear tears fall from her eyes, "He's gone." She says and I'm confused. Where is he?
"Wh-where is he?" I ask.
She takes a deep breath, "Dead."

I am stunned. I can't move. I can't breath.
She grabs my hand, "Jeanine killed him. She found out...that he was...Divergent." She pauses for a second, still stroking my hand, "She did things to him. She tortured and tested him." She stops and rubs her cheeks.
"Did he go quick?" I ask, my voice cracking.
She shakes her head, "No...It was long and painful." Her throat sounds raw. A light sob escapes my mouth and hot tears roll down my face.
" do you know?" I ask her, my throat burning.
"We I'm not Dauntless. I was sent to notify you." She rambles. I nod. I imagine Caleb holding hands with Lilana. I smile through the tears. I wipe my face with the palms of my hands. She stands and dabs her face with her shirt.
"I'll see you later, Tris. I have to go back to Erudite. I totally passed as Dauntless, right?" She asks and I nod. She was very convincing. She smiles wide, the laugh lines around her mouth shadow her smile. She turns the knob and leaves.

I lay back on my bed and think. Caleb, my brother, is dead. Jeanine killed him. She tortured him. I roll onto my stomach when I realize the door's unlocked. I groan in protest, but get up and lock it. I climb back into bed and fade out into a dream about Lilana and Caleb. They're walking together in the trees of Amity. Their hands are intertwined tightly between them. On Lilana's left hand is a silver ring.
(On side)
Their hands swing in rhythm. I wake up to pounding at the door. I open it and someone's lips crash roughly into mine.

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