Part 16: Flying high on Peace Serum

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Only one man returns. In his hand, he's carrying a cooler. He hands it to Johanna, who opens it and pulls out a needle and a vial of bright green liquid. It's the color of grass.

She fills the needle with the grassy liquid and walks toward Tobias. She gently tilts his head to reveal his neck. He flips his head back, covering his neck.
"James, will you please restrain him?" She asks the tall man behind us. He walks toward Tobias and tilts his head. In one swift movement, Johanna jabs the needle into his neck and injects the liquid. Tobias winces but calms down.
"How do you feel, Four?" She asks.
He smiles, "I feel...happy. Why was I mad again?" I laugh, his voice sounds so bubbly.
He turns to me, "Tris!" He yells and runs to me. He grabs me in his arms and kisses me. I pull away and giggle.
"Tobias." He smiles and it stretches his cheeks. I pull out of his embrace and grab his hand.
"Johanna, I want to tell you what happened." I push Tobias down into a chair, "Max hasn't been eating your bread, you know the one with the serum in it? He told me before he almost killed me." I stand, taking Tobias with me, "I recommend injecting him with it. He refuses to eat the bread and without it, he's very, very violent." I turn around and walk out, my hand still intertwined with Tobias's.
After a few seconds he stops walking, "I'm hungry," He pouts.
I laugh, "Pouting won't help anything."
He grunts, "Can we please get food?" He asks, still in a happy tone.
I nod, "Come on." We walk hand in hand, him skipping, to the Mess Hall. I push him down into a chair and get him a plate of spaghetti. I put it down in front of him and he finishes quickly.
"That was so amazing! Can I please, please have more? It was the best I've ever eaten! Please, Tris? Please?" He wines and I smile.
"Sure." I grab him another plate in put it in front of him.
He engulfs the food in a few bites, "THAT WAS FANTASTIC!" He yells loudly. I roll my eyes. I grab his arm and lead him out and back to our room. He has the key.
"Can I have the key, please?" I ask him.
He shakes his head, "Kiss me and then you can have it." He smirks. I scoff. He presses me against the wall and fits his lips to mine. I kiss him back and my hands slide into his hair. One of his hands presses the small of my back closer to him.
I push him away, "Tris! You know, you're not very nice." He says, with a pouty face.
I turn away, "Yeah, well neither are you." I retort back, my cheeks burning.
He smiles, "That's why I like you." I can't help but smile. I duck under his arms.
"Key please?" I ask and open my hand. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a key. He drops it into my hand. I open the door and walk in quickly. I stand in the middle of the room and yawn. He runs up behind me and wraps his arms around me.
"Why don't you take a nap?" I suggest.
He shakes his head, "I'm not tired, Trissy!" I sigh loudly and he let's go of me.

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